Ford GT Rally XIV - Who's in?

Gene Cassone

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2005
way upstate NY
Looks like going to be great event! I have previous plans, was kind of short notice for me. Went to GT 40 reunion in Pittsburgh this year ( drove car there and back). Love these rallies and specially seeing old friends through the years! I attended first one in 2006. Coming up on 20 year reunion!!
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
Any itinerary available yet? Have local friend would like to visit too while therr


*Supporting Vendor* GT Owner
Apr 20, 2006
What another great Rally! It was good to see so many new friends and old friends. Never would I have thought back in 2005 (when I was on the development team) that there would be a group of owners getting together for as long as we have. I am very proud to say that I have been a part of the GT team since the inception of the program back in 2003 and still being part of it today is just unbelievable. Thanks to DBK and Chip for another great event experience and I hope I can continue to be part of the community.

Vince H

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 23, 2012
Southern California
The Legend of the Ford GT Forum Rally continues! So good!

Vince H


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
A big thank you to Dave and Chip for all their work..!! And a big round of applause for all of you who took the time and effort out of your busy lives to show up.. Was really great to see some long time old friends and to meet some new GT owners.. hope to see you all in Detroit!

Gene Cassone

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 3, 2005
way upstate NY
I have been to both Detroit rallies. Incredible ! Missed this year’s rally. Notice was late for me. Already planned and went to Pittsburgh GT40 reunion. I drive my GT to them. Seeing all the thumbs up on the way is great!! Is Detroit a reality ? Definitely want to put it on my schedule and early time estimate would be helpful ! Thank you to all those involved ! I realize it is great undertaking !!
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