Ford GT Rally XIII - Registration


GT Owner
Nov 19, 2006
Albuquerque NM
Can’t wait to see everyone. I will be making some cool GT art and t shirts for the rally.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 29, 2008
Asbury, NJ
Anyone know what track requirements are for things like Helmet and Belt dates; brake fluid change; etc.

Can't think of anything worse than making the trip and not being allowed on the track.

If changes must be made, there's less time than you think! Especially for a renowned procrastinator like myself.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 26, 2020
Paradise Valley, AZ
Can't think of anything worse than making the trip and not being allowed on the track.

Oh - I can definitely top that - I just moved to the area a few weeks ago and missed this post due to all the moving. I live maybe 10 minutes away and do not have a spot! Is there a waiting list in case anyone on the list cannot make it?
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
Oh - I can definitely top that - I just moved to the area a few weeks ago and missed this post due to all the moving. I live maybe 10 minutes away and do not have a spot!

Oh man, that'd be a shame!
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
When the info is available it will be posted. If you bring a new car, everything is new.

BM SoCal

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 2, 2009
Orange County, CA
Oh - I can definitely top that - I just moved to the area a few weeks ago and missed this post due to all the moving. I live maybe 10 minutes away and do not have a spot! Is there a waiting list in case anyone on the list cannot make it?
That’s worse

Biginch Blake

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 4, 2008
Rockville, Indiana
For the track day at the private track there will be no requirements for seat, belt type or dates. One item that is dated for most events is helmet date. Your helmet needs to be SA2015 or newer, no motor cycle helmets. We are not going to be “Helmet Police” but it is for your own safety. Hope this helps just remember “This is not a race”.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
While talking about the track day, dont forget:
Tire pressures and good tread depth
Bleed brakes (good quality fluid, Motoul, Castrol, some swear by Motorcraft)
For our 05-06 cars, be sure you have suitable track worthy pads (dont track "ceramic" low dust pads, and expect them to last) Stock Ferodos are fine
Torque lug nuts
General "nut and bolt" shakedown.

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN
Excellent and accurate information from Blake and Andy above. It's about safety on the track so check replacement time on the brake fluid and tire mold dates in the 05-06 cars, and your helmet date. We want everyone to have a fun time at the track and be safe. And as Blake relates and we hear many times at track driver's meetings, "This is not a race."


GT Owner
Dec 8, 2013
Atlanta, GA
There's lots of information available online about how to prepare for track days. In addition to what others have said, check to ensure you have sufficient brake pad thickness. You dont want to run out of pad material and tear up your rotors. Tires have a 4 digit date code on them. The first 2 digits are the week and the next two digits are the year (e.g. 1916 means the tire was manufactured the 19th week of 2016). Tire grip decreases as the tires age. So if your tires are more than 6 years old, be careful. And dont use your emergency brake when your brake rotors are hot.

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN
More good information from BtwoG on pad thickness and tire date code information. This is what I was referring to in my use of the term "mold date". Thanks for explaining the 4-digit code to our owners. This issue pertains more so to the 05-06 owners than the new GT's.
In previous rallies where we had a track event, Roketman posted up a one page list of prep things to check before heading off to a track day. It was a very good list of things all those wanting to participate on our track day should consider. Perhaps Ron could dig up this checklist and provide it here for all to review. Thanks in advance Ron!

BM SoCal

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 2, 2009
Orange County, CA
Any recommendations on a helmet?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
Check Summit Racing for helmets. That’s where I bought mine.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
If you are not a track rat, Bell or Simpson make some relatively cheap ones. Sparco, Arai, etc make top dollar carbon fiber. Shop around. Gloves are a good thing to have as well.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
I know that Bell helmets fit my head, so I can buy with out a fitting. Some other brands just don't fit. Consider somehwere you might be able to try some on. Looks like Winding Road has a store in Southern California. There is also Wine Country that is at Sonoma Raceway.

Any recommendations on a helmet?
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Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN
While looking for a helmet the SA2020 date code manufacturer (they roll every 5 years) is definitely preferred. Production startup of the 2020 helmets was slow due to the Wuhan virus effect and were not immediately available retail. Things may have changed now that we are into 2021 but there may be some older SA2015 helmets out there as left over stock (probably cheaper to move these units). Just be advised as you look for a new helmet. Either the SA2015 or SA2020 helmet is fine for our track event.
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 26, 2007
Florida/North Jersey
Yes, the 2015 Snell helmets are out there, for about half the cost of a 2020 certification, proportional to the time they will remain acceptable.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Sorry Guys I am having forum trouble but found by way of the "New post" and was able to locate this thread.
To which I am to late to the party. Have fun we would have loved to join you all. :(

Thanks JW for alerting me to the event.
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BM SoCal

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 2, 2009
Orange County, CA
I know that Bell helmets fit my head, so I can buy with out a fitting. Some other brands just don't fit. Consider somehwere you might be able to try some on. Looks like Winding Road has a store in Southern California. There is also Wine Country that is at Sonoma Raceway.

Thanks, that’s not far from me



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 29, 2008
Asbury, NJ
SA2010 ?? Only use was prior Rally.

Who makes the final call , on acceptability, and where/when?

If someone were caught short but had a hood (Nomex or otherwise) , might someone, or track, lend a helmet?
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