Ford GT owners, gathered at the 24 hours race and "Le Mans Classic" in 2016.

Saint Ho

GT Owner
Feb 12, 2013
Ford GT owners, gathered at the 24 hours race and "Le Mans Classic" in 2016.

Hello DBK and every owners.

A year ago, following the success of its 2014 gathering, the European Club announced that it was heavily involved in celebrating the 2016 fiftieth anniversary at «Le Mans Classic» , three weeks after the 24 hours.
At the same date, I issued an invitation to US owners to join us for this historic date.
Since I personally blocked hotel rooms (a real difficulty in Le Mans area) and the restaurant of the famous «Hotel de France» for our welcome evening.
At the end of this summer, we shall open the booking.

Like many, I had expected Ford back in the 24 hour race.
The late confirmation gives a greater importance to 2016, and could enlarge our program.
We now imagine a presence in both the 24 Hours and Le Mans Classic.
We are in contact with the leaders of «Ford France» to see what is possible to do.

I confirm my willingness to voluntarily invest my passion and a lot of my time in the success of this celebration.
Of course, the group I lead is small, but being French and living near Paris, two hours drive from Le Mans, some material things are easier for me than for others.

It is obvious that the US Forum and we are not competitors, but complementary.
You say that Ford and you are preparing something very important.
Why not add and coordinate our efforts?
It is certainly my wish, with the glory of the Ford GT as the only goal.

We can make the connection with us on this forum or email to :

Best regards.

Francis (Saint Ho)
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
If the guys from the USA go to the regular Le mans race it might be hard to go and come back to the USA or to hang out in Europe fo 3 additional weeks after that race but it sounds like Fun !! Thanks for all your efforts and flying the GT flag !!

Saint Ho

GT Owner
Feb 12, 2013
If the guys from the USA go to the regular Le mans race it might be hard to go and come back to the USA or to hang out in Europe fo 3 additional weeks after that race but it sounds like Fun !! Thanks for all your efforts and flying the GT flag !!


Thank you for your encouragements.

My view is that, the Ford GT winning or not her class in the 24 hours race, LE MANS 2016 will be historic for all the passionates we are.
It seems to me that, for such an event longly awaited by all of us, it could be fair to spend time and money to participate the best as possible.

In July 2014, I invited the Ford GT owners from the USA to participate in our upcoming FORD GT DAYS 2016 at the Le Mans Classic, with their car.

Our program includes a welcome party at the famous "Hotel de France" (historic headquarters of the victorious GT40 for four years), the weekend in the middle of 8000 performance cars, the historic races, the gourmet dinner, tours on the circuit of 24 hours, etc ...
For this program, I'm almost ready. I plan at least forty Ford GT (25 in 2014), and I am preparing to launch the official bookings in Autumn.

With the new Ford GT in the 24-hour race, and the will of Ford to officially celebrate the fiftieth anniversary, I would like to include the 24 hours race in our FORD GT DAYS with an expanded program on three weeks, ending at Le Mans Classic, and where everyone could participate in all or part of it.
This should have a particular interest for those who come at Le Mans with their Ford GT.
In last July, several Americans had said they would cross the Atlantic with their car. Where are they with that project ? Already several cars coming from the Middle East are confirmed to join us.

In March, I addressed a folder of my project, to Jim Farley, Ford President for Europe.
He directed me to the Boss of Ford France, with whom I have a meeting on this subject in a few days.
I know that Ford prepares a communication during the 24 hours, using the memory of the GT40 and GT 05/06. Yes but how?
Some evokes US GT owners, transported and invited by Ford with their car. I dont know if it is true. But for them or for individuals coming with there Ford GT, the most difficult being done, why not stay three weeks to attend the extraordinary Mans Classic, roll on the circuit 24 hours and, in the middle, visit a part of France?

To the extent of my very modest means, I propose to help such organization.
Again, I suggest that FORD and the US GT FORUM, combine their efforts with my ones.
For now, Ford maintains the secret about its program, and the leaders of the US Forum do not react.
This does not make things easier for me.

Anyway, I continue my efforts.

Although retired Architect and not travel agent, I stand at the disposal of all, to help their eventual organization, for the period preceding our Le Mans Classic.
The fact that I am French and that I live two hours drive from Le Mans, makes easier a number of things.

Best regards to all passionates.

Francis (Saint Ho).
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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Francis - why have you not contactually me directly?

Please do!

Thanks! :cheers


GT Owner
Dec 22, 2010
Powell, Ohio
Driving tour of Europe in the GT with two stops at LeMans...sounds fun

Saint Ho

GT Owner
Feb 12, 2013
Francis - why have you not contactually me directly?

Please do!

Thanks! :cheers

Hello DBK.

By the way, congratulations for this remarkable and indispensable Forum you lead.
I have already written that, but it is good to repeat the good things.

You reproach me for not having contact you directly. But I thought I did it, opening the subject with the words "Hello DBK and every owners'.

Sorry if from my old Continent, I did not follow the fair practice ...
So, I respect your wish by continuing this conversation with you, by Private Message.

Best regards.

Saint Ho

GT Owner
Feb 12, 2013
Very good news for the Ford GT community:

DBK and I, are now OK to work TOGETHER for the success of the fiftieth anniversary at Le Mans in 2016.
I warmly thank DBK for his listening and his confidence.
As I wished, we will join our efforts, to the extent of our ability, to build a historical event.
Everyone will be informed on this Forum, by him or by me, about the events we have managed to develop together.

We can already announce that the celebration will last three weeks.
It will start around the 24 hour race of Le Mans, to finish on the 24 hours race track in the middle of «Le Mans Classic».

Happy "Independence Day" and best regards to everybody.

Francis (Saint Ho).