Last rally in Vegas I won $8k playing blackjack. Funded the whole trip and the neon signs I bought at the auction.
On the average, craps will do better than blackhackOne night would usually pay for our trip. Didn't do so good in March, did great in September. Still ahead overall. There is a strategy (of course, there are a thousand) but this one has worked for me since we went to the "class" at the Monte Carlo almost 20 years ago. Bottom line, do the first roll, then do three come bets and stay pat. Don't do the goofy crap like boxes etc.
Yup....craps can be a fast ride up or down. You play blackjack right and steadily gain or bleed to death slowly. I actually like the action of craps better. Stay away from the gimmick and field bets.
Ron...see post #1.[/QUOTE
Hey Gary are you shipping your car or pulling you trailer out again?
Ron...see post #1.[/QUOTE
Hey Gary are you shipping your car or pulling you trailer out again?
Gary, We will pull the trailer to wherever we find pre-rally festivities. :biggrin
I'd love to hear you tell that story under a beach cabana. Where is the beach?
I have a beach cabana reserved on Tuesday if anyone wants to stop by or hang out.
We did that at the last Vegas Rally & Bony sat in the middle smoking cigars & drinking Marker's Mark manhattans the whole day. For a while he had wet towel on his head to cool down - he looked like a sheik & we were his entourage (harem?). That was a fun day.
Gary -
"THEhotel" is part of the Mandalay Bay resort complex -
All facilities of Mandalay are available to THEhotel guests,+Las+Vegas,+NV+89119&t=h&z=18
Oh yeah, Cobrar and I spent an entire afternoon at the bar at the "beach" at rally 3....