I built a custom roll bar for a 2005 FORD GT from 2008 to 2010. I would be happy if you could take a look when you have time.
Hello,Mr.TomcatClick on "Watch on You Tube" ...amazing work!
Hello,Mr.dreimerWorked for me too, even though it said it wouldn't. Just clicked and watched on YouTube. Amazing work Hachi!
Hello, Mr.PetekHachi did some real quality work. Clicking on the "Watch on YouTube" link worked for me. Try this:
Hello,Mr.ultrasportracingWOW, an amazing fabrication job, beautifully finished.. WEll Done. Are you in Japan
Hello, Mr.twobjshelbysWhat are you doing that requires such an extensive modification? The Ford GT cage is already pretty stout.
Hello,2112Holy crap! Just the level of disassembly and reassembly is amazing. Nice job!