Ford GT Bumper Delete


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 9, 2012
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Was surprised when I added the Accufab set up and with only 3-4' of pipe how it softened the tone massively.

But that’s 3-4 FEET (not inches) of LOOPED pipe (not straight pipe) with an “X” opening in the center connecting the two pipes and changing the exhaust pulsations from each bank entirely, as they mingle together. Huge difference.


GT Owner
Oct 26, 2006
Orlando & Australia
Very true words.
Sorry I must have edited the "inches" V's "feet" after you saw my typo?
Im a metric man, so hang with my keyboard tapping being off.

Elephant in the room....
My concern is the insurance companies love of dumping claims when they find the cars crash structure being lessened by this cosmetic mod.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from a ass smacked bump delete member who knows how this rolls.
Maybe this BD mod V's fine the print on the policy is like Lord Voldemort........we shall not mention his name, don't bring it up.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 19, 2013
Try the Ford GT retailers, I am sure they have a surplus of cat back exhausts.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Elephant in the room....
My concern is the insurance companies love of dumping claims when they find the cars crash structure being lessened by this cosmetic mod.
I'm surprised we haven't heard from a ass smacked bump delete member who knows how this rolls.

The rear bumper, per se, is NOT part of the GT "crash structure" and was added to the GT to meet federal bumper requirements for very low speed (2.5mph) crash protection. You can read more about US bumper requirements HERE if you were so inclined. As such, in any kind of moderate or greater rear impact, the with or without bumper (as if they are going to know in the first place) is not going to come into play. In a low-speed parking lot mishap, I suppose there's some minimal risk that an insurance company may object to damages... but they're going to have to be pretty GT savy to recognize that the car has had modifications.
Does anyone know the best way to cut the exhaust tips an an accufab X pipe for a bumper delete car?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
Laser, of course. 😉


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
If chocked up well, maybe a waterjet?

Any method will require finishing/polishing.