Ford GT Allocation Stats & News


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 6, 2014

Looking at the lineup of cars you own shows you are a real enthusiast and there is certainly no reason you were denied. The bulk of people wading through the application process would be deserving owners. It's just numbers. If 4000 of those applicants would be great owners and there are only 500 GTs to distribute in the first two years then only 1 out of 8 is going to get an allocation. On the plus side there will almost certainly be more than 500 GTs produced so stay positive and in the game. Cheers. Chip <quote >

I agree 100% with Chip. I went into this thinking that it was highly likely that I would NOT be approved, even though I have owned Five Ford GT's and currently own three along with many SVT and Shelby cars, not to mention the European cars, Viper collection, etc.. I figured I would be one lucky S.O.B. If Ford said yes, but figured my fate was likely (given the odds) Ford would say NO. To my shock and surprise, they said YES. I guess I am one lucky S.O.B. I wouldn't feel any differently about the Ford Motor Co. either way. On the other hand I have friends who most likely deserved to get on the approved list, but were instead on the WAIT list, but got so pissed off they decided to cancel all future orders for their new GT 350's, Raptors, etc. and are selling all Ford products in their collection due to their disappointment. Honestly, I don't get it. Do the F'n MATH. If you got a wait list letter, be grateful, you most likely will get a new Ford GT. Don't be emotional. In 2003 I collected all the publicity, called Ford, did everything I could to "get on the list". In 2005 when the first GT's came out, my dealer called me to tell me they had a GT for me priced $100K over MSRP. At that point I knew I would never own a Ford GT. Guess what, in 2005 I bought my first new GT (from a different dealer, by the way) under MSRP, and bought four more every year thereafter. Never say NEVER. There are only a handful being built, not everyone who is approved will actually be able to buy one. YOU may be next in line, don't bad mouth Ford if you didn't get one. The first round, there are only 250 per year being built with more than 6,900 applicants wanting one. For what it's worth.....

Well said!!! As a deferred applicant, I watch and wait.


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Nov 8, 2006
Toronto Canada
There is an interesting article posted on Fchat talking about numbers.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Nov 23, 2005
Wauseon, Ohio
I feel that Ford will build the second 500 cars. The original numbers being bandied around was a 1,000 cars. They announced the first 500 would be built over 2 years, then they announced a 2 year extension to the Ganassi contract. So racing program for 4 years. It only makes sense to build FGT's for 4 years. I don't feel bad making the priority wait list. I am grateful. I congratulate those who made the congratulations list. I am happy your dream came true. Thank you Dave, Raj, Edsel, Bill and Henry. BTW Le Mans was a gas! By far the greatest racing trip in my lifetime! Dave and Ford out did themselves.


May 16, 2006
Paradise Valley, AZ
My personal feeling is although the application process was an opportunity to confirm your desire to buy a car, the publicity and results surrounding the application process makes me conclude it was as much more a marketing promotion than a true equal and fair shot.

To believe that many of the first 500 cars were not already "allocated" long prior to the opening of the application process was started, seems to be a little naive.

Although I bought my GT brand new in 06 and still have it, I did not expect to be selected as I am just another one of the thousands of original owners not unlike most in here.

I do however have a friend who is a second generation large volume Ford dealer, is the prime sponsor of one of the top three vintage car rallies in the nation, has an immense car collection and vintage race car collection that he shows and uses, put up some of the original money to found the 10-90 foundation in Arizona which is the equivalent of the 1199 Foundation in California, and helped sponsor "curves of steel" which was an auto art exhibit in our town. He is a quiet and humble person, does not want a bunch of credit when he does things, and does not throw his weight around, and because of that lack of "hey look at me", I believe that factored into why he got the "no" letter.

Quite frankly if a guy like that; a world class human being, who has done more for the car community, law enforcement community and absolutely stands for everything the Ford Corporation stands for, did not get a car, I just don't know what to say. I am acquainted with several people in the community that did get cars, yet he did not. I am glad they got cars, but have a hard time creating an objective algorithm on what really drove the yes/no process.

At the end of the day, although I filled out an application, I had no delusions that I would get an allocation. But for anyone feeling bad about not getting selected, if this guy didn't get one, there simply is no pragmatic list of reasons for who did and who did not. I just assumed he would have got one, never called to ask when I got my "no" email, and was beyond shocked when he told me he got the "no" also. :confused

At the end of the day, I am just grateful that we are talking about the smallest of first world problems.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
Search for the "Sour Grapes" thread. Do you really think your friend is unique? That there aren't thousands with similar "qualifications?"

You are saying he is more deserving than others. Really?

Considering his "immense car collection," it's hard to imagine he is deprived.

How about some of the Ford fans here with no immense car collections? They are less deserving?

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006


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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 24, 2010
Houston Texas
I know more owners who have NOT STATED they received one ...than owners who have said "I got one."
Many people just don't want it broadcast.

That seems kind of strange. I would have guessed that many of those same individuals promised Ford in their application that they would do everything possible to promote the car if selected.


Farm GT
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 21, 2008
owning a GT is a brotherhood to those who really care, and there is a lot of them feeling a little down right now.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 20, 2006


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 5, 2008
Spring Hill, FL.

Looking at the lineup of cars you own shows you are a real enthusiast and there is certainly no reason you were denied. The bulk of people wading through the application process would be deserving owners. It's just numbers. If 4000 of those applicants would be great owners and there are only 500 GTs to distribute in the first two years then only 1 out of 8 is going to get an allocation. On the plus side there will almost certainly be more than 500 GTs produced so stay positive and in the game. Cheers. Chip <quote >

I agree 100% with Chip. I went into this thinking that it was highly likely that I would NOT be approved, even though I have owned Five Ford GT's and currently own three along with many SVT and Shelby cars, not to mention the European cars, Viper collection, etc.. I figured I would be one lucky S.O.B. If Ford said yes, but figured my fate was likely (given the odds) Ford would say NO. To my shock and surprise, they said YES. I guess I am one lucky S.O.B. I wouldn't feel any differently about the Ford Motor Co. either way. On the other hand I have friends who most likely deserved to get on the approved list, but were instead on the WAIT list, but got so pissed off they decided to cancel all future orders for their new GT 350's, Raptors, etc. and are selling all Ford products in their collection due to their disappointment. Honestly, I don't get it. Do the F'n MATH. If you got a wait list letter, be grateful, you most likely will get a new Ford GT. Don't be emotional. In 2003 I collected all the publicity, called Ford, did everything I could to "get on the list". In 2005 when the first GT's came out, my dealer called me to tell me they had a GT for me priced $100K over MSRP. At that point I knew I would never own a Ford GT. Guess what, in 2005 I bought my first new GT (from a different dealer, by the way) under MSRP, and bought four more every year thereafter. Never say NEVER. There are only a handful being built, not everyone who is approved will actually be able to buy one. YOU may be next in line, don't bad mouth Ford if you didn't get one. The first round, there are only 250 per year being built with more than 6,900 applicants wanting one. For what it's worth.....

After reading this about people on wait list selling ever Ford product and being pissed at the world proves that Ford did make at least a few mistakes on it's choices. I am a Ford only kind of guy so I won't be adding a Mclaren or any other product. Hoping they review there choices as I am sure there are other well deserving applicants.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
How about a cheer of support for the bitter 1%ers?

No? I didn't think so.

About 99% of the world population you could cheer for, before thinking how deprived the 1%ers are...because their material needs remain unsatisfied.

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
You could satisfy your material needs with a new GT350R & matching color Raptor if a NGT won't be in your garage. That was to be my backup plan. Ford forever!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
Guess Heidi wasn't aware of that plan, was she ? :secret:

Did your plan also include extending your garage mahal ? :willy

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
The plan included a new garagemahal nearby!



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany