Hi Tom
Thank you for posting, sorting and organizing all the data. It must have taken almost as much as it took for you to make this great event a reality! All participants owe you big!! I think when we do the next private event, the participants should do a group dinner the night before in your & Summer's honor!!
Speaking of the next private event, u just have to let me know when, and my deposit check will be on it's way!
Barry, my man!!!! Props have to go to you for doing 17 runs!!! I thought I was the one who couldn't or didn't know when to stop!!!! You and I have got to be there next time to touch that 200mph!!! Being a non-technical person, I don't know if it would make any difference for my outcome (no excuses here, but just wondering...), after the event, I realized that the track-tune I was running was for 91octane gas, but I was running 100 octane gas...... I wonder if I ran 91 octane gas with that tune, or run a 100 octane tune to match with the gas I had in the tank would it have gotten me the 1.3mph I needed to reach my goal?
No worries, as soon as it is confirmed that the next 1.3 mile private event is on, I'm upping the pulley& tune to "something" to make sure next time I'll join all u speed-demons, instead of my current 200mph-minus-1.3mph status, hahahaha. Too bad the install of a Whipple or TT could not be done on-site because I would love to give it one more crack at 200 with the pulley&tune, running the matching tune with the proper fuel... However, that's ok, why prolong my "itch"!! Up the power and be done!!!!! Yes, next event!