Fatal OC Ferrari Wreck


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
We know those roads well and many GT's go down Jamboree frequently. That was a horrible crash. Please be careful and save it for the track. Owner was the founder of Tapout clothing.


Charles Lewis Jr. -- aka "Mask" -- was driving his Ferrari Modena in Orange County, Calif. around 1:00 AM this morning when cops say it "left the roadway, hit the curb, took out a light pole."
"Mask" was declared dead at the scene. A female passenger -- who was ejected from the crash -- was taken to a local hospital, but we're told she's in bad shape.

Cops believe "Mask" was racing a guy in a Porsche at the time of the crash, and authorities have since arrested the guy they believe was driving the other car. That man -- Jeffrey David Kirby -- is being held on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Apr 12, 2006
Los Angeles
hit the news this AM looks almost like the Enzo that that Erikson guy split in half on the PCH in Malibu a cople of years ago.


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
All over the news, first came across the wires as a 599... they arrested the guy he was racing in a white Porsche. Sad waste of life... may he RIP...


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 19, 2008
Glendale, Arizona
Please be careful and save it for the track.

Let this be a lesson for all of us when the temptation comes to use the right foot. We may keep our own car perfectly under control, but still wind up with legal and financial problems we didn't bargain for - not to mention having to live with something like this on your conscience.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 23, 2007
Mesa Az/Aspen Co
This came from my son who is a reporter with the LA Times

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:32 AM

Subject: A Ferrari split in half this morning...killing one and injuring another

This is nuts Dad. A Ferrari and a Porsche were involved in the wreck. The Ferrari hit a light pole, split in half and the Porsche drove away and was later tracked down, cops say.


Here's the raw video…


And here are some stories about the enzo that split in the same manner a couple of years ago.



And a photo gallery of the Enzo wreck…



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
The tragic waste of life aside......I must say I am not impressed with the structural integrity of the Ferrari's to date.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
We must have traveled that road during Rally II.

A Newport Beach Police Department officer who witnessed the wreck and saw a red Ferrari and a white Porsche "spinning out of control" on Jamboree Road between Bison Avenue and East Bluff Drive at 12:57 a.m.,

Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
A recipe for disaster...1am, 2 drunk couples, 2 fast cars, a street race...4 lives ended, ruined or forever changed. The guy in the Portch may end up worse off than the one who was killed. Very sad.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Sadly a topic on every board.... life lost and lives changed.


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Stupidity - may all of us not succumb to these temptations...


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
The driver of the F-car was Charles Lewis (AKA "Mask") from the mixed martial arts show "TapouT". He was well know in the MMA ultimate fighting scene. RIP.
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Fast Freddy

Mark II Lifetime
Aug 5, 2005
Avondale, Arizona
RIP Mask

he seemed like a nice guy. he was always positive and happy. he was a good influence for the MMA imo


Active member
Oct 10, 2006
wow..... The F-Car literally ripped in half, separated by a good 50 ft, and the passenger compartment nowhere to be found.

It makes me think about the times I've been stupid for speeding excessively, but never DUI....

RIP Charles....



Gulf GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 9, 2006
A recipe for disaster...1am, 2 drunk couples, 2 fast cars, a street race...4 lives ended, ruined or forever changed. The guy in the Portch may end up worse off than the one who was killed. Very sad.

You may be right...
I just had a guard from one of the California State Prisons in my office this week, and he was telling me about the scary environment for inmates inside prison today. He also said that there were many inmates there on life sentences for DUI vehicular manslaughter.

Just horrible. You can go your whole life without doing anything really wrong, and then in a matter of seconds decide to do something like this and it's over or changed forever.

This is a warning to all us. I pray that all of us heed the warning.

I am so, so sorry for everyone involved and the families.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
I hope that most of you guys only push your cars on the track, but just in case, here’s another story to keep in mind the next time you think of pushing it on the street.

I volunteer as an EMT with our local ambulance company. From time to time we respond to serious car accidents, but one in particular stands out.

A year or so ago, a young man in our town was racing his car through the streets when he broadsided the passenger side of another car at an intersection. It took our EMS and rescue crews a long time to cut the car apart around the mother who had been driving. There was nothing we could do for her 13 year old daughter who had been in the passenger seat.

In an instant, the boy’s bad choice killed an innocent child and destroyed the life of her family and friends. It was an awful event and it rippled through our community.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
OC District Attorney files charges against Kirby (Ferrari Porsche Accident)

The Orange County District Attorney on Friday morning filed charges against Jeffrey David Kirby in relation to the car accident that killed Charles "Mask" Lewis, the founder of popular mixed martial arts clothing company Tapout.

A statement from the Orange County DA's office stated that Kirby is a second-time drunken driver and accused of killing Lewis and injuring his girlfriend, Lacy Lynn White, when Kirby crashed his Porsche into Lewis' Ferrari, causing it to slam into a light pole. The Ferrari split in half upon impacting the pole.

Kirby, 51, of Costa Mesa, Calif., is charged with one felony count of vehicular manslaughter by unlawful act with gross negligence while intoxicated, one felony count of driving under the influence causing bodily injury, and sentencing enhancements for fleeing the scene of a vehicular manslaughter and causing great bodily injury to multiple victims. He has a prior conviction for driving under the influence in 2002.

Kirby faces a maximum sentence of 19 years and eight months in state prison if convicted. He is currently being held on $2 million bail and is scheduled to be arraigned Friday afternoon in Newport Beach.

Kirby is accused of speeding alongside a 2004 Ferrari driven by the 45-year-old Lewis, of Huntington Beach, losing control of his car due to his unsafe speed, and crashing into Lewis’ vehicle.

Lewis then lost control of his Ferrari, which crashed into a cement light pole. The Ferrari was torn in half. Kirby is accused of swerving and coming to a stop for several seconds before accelerating and fleeing the scene.

Lewis was trapped inside the front half of the Ferrari, which had to be dismantled in order to remove him. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Lewis’ 23-year-old passenger, Lacy Lynn White, was ejected from the car and landed on the nearby dirt embankment. She was transported to Western Medical Center to be treated for a fractured elbow and several lacerations and abrasions. She is currently in stable condition, according to the Orange County DA statement.

After fleeing the scene, Kirby allegedly parked his Porsche on a nearby side street. A responding Newport Beach Police officer spotted the car and saw Kirby and a passenger from his car, 32-year-old Lynn Marie Nabozny, walking away. Both were then apprehended.

Kirby is accused of emitting an odor of alcohol, slurring his speech, and having bloodshot and watery eyes. He was arrested at the scene. At approximately 3:00 a.m., two hours after the crash, Kirby is accused of having a blood alcohol level of 0.13 percent. Nabozny was arrested for public intoxication and later released.

As stated, Charles "Mask" Lewis was one of the founders of Tapout. The company began as an effort of a small group of friends that had a passion for mixed martial arts and its fighters. From its humble beginnings, selling t-shirts out of the back of a car, Tapout has grown alongside the sport itself. Registering $29,000 in sales in 1999, according to The Press-Enterprise, Tapout's sales reportedly rose to $25 million by 2007 and were projected to be more than $100 million in 2008.

Mask – along with cohorts Dan "Punkass" Caldwell and Skyscrape – was an extremely popular figure in the mixed martial arts world, a site rarely missed at most major MMA events.

UFC president Dana White told Neil Davidson of the Canadian Press, "You couldn't meet a nicer guy, a more friendly, outgoing guy, a more loyal guy (than Mask). He really was a good person. He's one of the pioneers, one of the legends of this sport.

"This guy was selling T-shirts out of the trunk of his car and when we first got involved with the UFC, we met them. We really liked them. We liked their energy. They were good people and we got together and we started doing all this grassroots marketing together – the UFC and Tapout. They were very loyal to us and we were very loyal to them.

"And it sucks to see a guy who has worked so hard his whole life, to finally make it and break through, and then have something like this happen to him."

In his online blog, Tapout's Punkass said goodbye. "To my best friend in the world, you'll be forever missed, but always remembered."

(UPDATE 5:30 p.m. PT) Kirby's arraignment was later changed to March 27 and his bail reduced to $500,000. His bail includes the conditions that he is not allowed to consume alcohol or operate an automobile. As of the time of publication, Kirby remained in custody.


I can not stand drunk drivers. May Mask RIP...


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Obviously the Porsche driver has a huge problem, two DUI convictions and now this...