I know we have spoken with several folks regarding the double din brackets for the GT. No doubt it has taken a little longer than expected but we appreciate everyone bearing with us until we could get all the moving parts together. Please find attached the couple of samples we have at this time and as well as the one carbon fiber we have just installed in a car to make sure everything fits nicely as first designed. These are exact duplicates of the units that Kip Ewing was selling during his time of production. If anyone thinks they may be interested in putting a name on the list please email either myself ([email protected]) or Kevin Kesterson ([email protected]) at M2K Motorsports, phone number 281-346-8114 and we will gather a list and try and get back with folks in a couple of weeks on pricing. Please specify if you are wanting carbon fiber in the email. There is no commitment at this time since we have not finalized pricing but getting an idea of how many units we will need to fill all orders will help in keeping the costs as affordable as possible.
Also, we will be posting a bunch more pictures of the install on the Facebook page for M2K Motorsports in order to not fill the forum up with the many photos we have at this time.
Thanks again.
Mark Heidaker and Kevin Kesterson
M2K Motorsports
281-346-8114 Shop Phone
I know we have spoken with several folks regarding the double din brackets for the GT. No doubt it has taken a little longer than expected but we appreciate everyone bearing with us until we could get all the moving parts together. Please find attached the couple of samples we have at this time and as well as the one carbon fiber we have just installed in a car to make sure everything fits nicely as first designed. These are exact duplicates of the units that Kip Ewing was selling during his time of production. If anyone thinks they may be interested in putting a name on the list please email either myself ([email protected]) or Kevin Kesterson ([email protected]) at M2K Motorsports, phone number 281-346-8114 and we will gather a list and try and get back with folks in a couple of weeks on pricing. Please specify if you are wanting carbon fiber in the email. There is no commitment at this time since we have not finalized pricing but getting an idea of how many units we will need to fill all orders will help in keeping the costs as affordable as possible.
Also, we will be posting a bunch more pictures of the install on the Facebook page for M2K Motorsports in order to not fill the forum up with the many photos we have at this time.
Thanks again.
Mark Heidaker and Kevin Kesterson
M2K Motorsports
281-346-8114 Shop Phone