Door Ajar........not


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
Lets get one thing straight.
A door is a door and not a Jar.:rofl

I did not belive everyone but it was the trunk on mine. Thankfully they are close tolerence switches because when you have a machine that travels at Mach 1 speeds who wants a Jar opening up:eek

Oh and congrads on the fastest color choice


Mark II Lifetime
Jan 31, 2008
Abs module?

OK you all solved this problem so quick! The ABS and Brake light come on after 3-5 minutes on the X1. Dealer did not have a solution. :frown Drove LV to seattle with them on. Any input ? Thanks in advance Jim

jUST TOOK THE CAR TO THE DEALER AND THIS TIME THEY DIAGANOSED a failed ABS module for $1200. Should be under warranty but dealer says no. Is this a safety issue? Anyone have a similar issue?:frown



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 10, 2006
Gardnerville, Nv.
Are you running the oem brake package or the Willwood package on your X1?

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Is this a safety issue? Anyone have a similar issue?:frown


"Isn't this a safety issue?

Yes it can be. It is important to remember to pump your brakes when coming to a stop especially during emergency stops. The ABS system simply does this pumping action for you. Much like power brakes help you push harder than you can normally, ABS helps you pump more effectively than you can normally. This can be a real factor during panic stops or during rain storms. Many people still safely drive cars without ABS Brakes every day."

Under normal driving & braking you'd pbly never know the ABS was out of commission. It'd only be under panic stop conditions where HAVING the ABS system working would ensure safer, straighter, and actually SHORTER stops.

'Wifey drove her Eldo for about a MONTH with the ABS warning light blazing away before she told me about it being on!!!:bored


GT Owner
Sep 14, 2006
hi iam having problems with half shaft bolts braking any help thanks TMS


Mark II Lifetime
Jul 21, 2007
Bay Area, CA
+1. Particularly with the suboptimal tires on the car and speeds that this car can travel, having ABS as a nannie-of-last-resort (in fact, on the FGT it's the nannie-of-only-resort) is a must have. I was watching a video of a 5th Gear review of a 993 GT1 (I think I've got that right) racer and even it had ABS.

EP used to practice pumping his brakes while ensconced in his garage - just to see how fast he could do it. Just in case the car 'escaped'...

"Isn't this a safety issue?

Yes it can be. It is important to remember to pump your brakes when coming to a stop especially during emergency stops. The ABS system simply does this pumping action for you. Much like power brakes help you push harder than you can normally, ABS helps you pump more effectively than you can normally. This can be a real factor during panic stops or during rain storms. Many people still safely drive cars without ABS Brakes every day."

Under normal driving & braking you'd pbly never know the ABS was out of commission. It'd only be under panic stop conditions where HAVING the ABS system working would ensure safer, straighter, and actually SHORTER stops.

'Wifey drove her Eldo for about a MONTH with the ABS warning light blazing away before she told me about it being on!!!:bored


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 10, 2006
Gardnerville, Nv.
hi iam having problems with half shaft bolts braking any help thanks TMS

Do a search, plenty of information can be found. Short answer have them replaced with either the upgraded ford bolts or accufab replacements.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
EP used to practice pumping his brakes while ensconced in his garage - just to see how fast he could do it. Just in case the car 'escaped'...

:skep Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew no good...............:mad


GT Owner
Sep 14, 2006
how did you fix it??


GT Owner
Sep 14, 2006
my door ajar light problem was in the fuse box on passanger side floor if anyone needs more info on this let me know.