Dead volt meter


Mark II Lifetime
Jul 21, 2007
Bay Area, CA
A week ago, I took my GT out for a short ride, after she had been resting for quite some time. I always leave her on a Battery Tender so starting was no problem. The car ran perfectly but sometime during the ride I noticed that the voltmeter had not budged - pinned to the far left.
I took her out today and the same problem. So I guess it's safe to say that this is a real problem. All other gauges and lights are working properly. I've done a search on this and it does seem like gauges problems are not unique, with a number of root causes being the issue. So, couple of questions:
Any way to determine if it's the gauge or something more complex?
Is this something that I should entrust to a dealer, or one of our more capable members?
I presume the car is safe to drive while this problem persists?


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Fairly easy to change out with Shadowman's help. It could be a good time to upgrade to Freeflyer's combination a/f gauge with voltage idiot light.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Did you perform the ol' standard proceedure right out of the chute...IOW sand/clean up the neg battery cable ground on the chassis?

I know you only have ONE gauge that's dead. But, as goofy as it sounds, "one dead gauge" has been cured by others who have just done the "ground thing".

Also, often a "tender" doesn't really deep charge the battery. So, you may not really HAVE the full 12 volts needed to operate all the gauges...and your volt gauge just may be the one most affected.

'Could also be the alternator has plain kicked the bucket...though this soon in your car's life, I can't really see that as being the pblm. A 'meter ought to tell you if THAT'S working.
Aug 25, 2006
A week ago, I took my GT out for a short ride, after she had been resting for quite some time. I always leave her on a Battery Tender so starting was no problem. The car ran perfectly but sometime during the ride I noticed that the voltmeter had not budged - pinned to the far left.
I took her out today and the same problem. So I guess it's safe to say that this is a real problem. All other gauges and lights are working properly. I've done a search on this and it does seem like gauges problems are not unique, with a number of root causes being the issue. So, couple of questions:
Any way to determine if it's the gauge or something more complex?
Is this something that I should entrust to a dealer, or one of our more capable members?
I presume the car is safe to drive while this problem persists?

If you feel up to tending to it drop me a line or call me and I will walk you through the process

Takes care



GT Owner
Jul 13, 2006
I would drive it a few more cycles to get full charge.


Mark II Lifetime
Jul 21, 2007
Bay Area, CA
Thanks all. I'll check the ground, and try a deep charge and a longer drive. But more likely a trip to Shadowman. Good excuse for an exhaust upgrade. Of course now I have to make a decision on that one...

BTW, for anyone interested, I just started playing with this (currently in my other car):
along with this:
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2006
Thanks all. I'll check the ground, and try a deep charge and a longer drive. But more likely a trip to Shadowman. Good excuse for an exhaust upgrade. Of course now I have to make a decision on that one...

BTW, for anyone interested, I just started playing with this (currently in my other car):
along with this:

Very cool items

All the best and Happy Holidays



GT Owner
Oct 27, 2005
Easton, MA
Was there a resolution to your volt meter problem? It appears that I have the same issue.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Mar 19, 2009
East Lake Weir, FL
After doing the usual (ground point, clean terminals, check battery, etc) put it on a ford computer. You can tell pdq if is gauge or gauge control module or wiring. The repair manual is pretty good with the steps and logic for identifying the problem.