Corn Harvest by hand with horses


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 28, 2008
Today and through the weekend we are harvesting corn as it was in days gone past. This stone barn was built in Philly Nebraska in 1874 and is the center point of our harvest celebration.

In the field to the left are second third and forth grade children from several surrounding schools picking the corn and throwing the ears into the wagon.

A team of draft horses pulling a wagon waiting to haul the children back from the field for lunch in the Barn

This team is walking in a circle powering a line shaft, transfering the power to a belt shieve that finally runs a corn sheller They actually have to step over the line shaft on each revolution.
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GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Compared to the barn on my property, that one is practically brand new!

Looks like a lot of hard work, and a lot of fun too.... how did you get on?


Blue/white 06'
Mark II Lifetime
Heck of a barn there. Needs to be converted into a toy shop/man cave.