I've searched the forum and know what code p1000 is (readiness test), but does anyone know what P0171 and P0174 mean? Here is the situation, 2 weeks ago I had to "return to stock tune" as I needed to get the GT smogged, and as usual, I'd need to drive the car for ~50 miles for the ecu to re-learn the stock tune. Now 2 weeks and ~120 miles later, the readiness test isn't done yet, and I get the P0171 and P0174 codes, in addition to the P1000. For example, in the morning when I start the car, I'd only have the code P1000 on, then, I cleared the code, and drive the GT to my office and I'd read the code, and my SCT would show all 3 codes, then, at the end of the work day, I'd cleared the codes before I drive home, and when I get home, the 3 codes are on again..... However, all the while, the check engine light isn't on. I also know that the P1000 would not cause the check engine light to come on, but I guess neither do codes P0171 and P0174.
Has anyone had P0171 and P0174 codes before, and know what they mean? I'm wondering that the reason the readiness isn't "re-learned"..., could it be the fact that these 2 additional codes kept popping up, so the ecu would not finish the readiness test.
Advise please.
I've searched the forum and know what code p1000 is (readiness test), but does anyone know what P0171 and P0174 mean? Here is the situation, 2 weeks ago I had to "return to stock tune" as I needed to get the GT smogged, and as usual, I'd need to drive the car for ~50 miles for the ecu to re-learn the stock tune. Now 2 weeks and ~120 miles later, the readiness test isn't done yet, and I get the P0171 and P0174 codes, in addition to the P1000. For example, in the morning when I start the car, I'd only have the code P1000 on, then, I cleared the code, and drive the GT to my office and I'd read the code, and my SCT would show all 3 codes, then, at the end of the work day, I'd cleared the codes before I drive home, and when I get home, the 3 codes are on again..... However, all the while, the check engine light isn't on. I also know that the P1000 would not cause the check engine light to come on, but I guess neither do codes P0171 and P0174.
Has anyone had P0171 and P0174 codes before, and know what they mean? I'm wondering that the reason the readiness isn't "re-learned"..., could it be the fact that these 2 additional codes kept popping up, so the ecu would not finish the readiness test.
Advise please.