Clutch oil leak


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
I found a photo of when I removed the transmission from the FORD GT while making the roll bar in 2008. Looking at this photo, it seems like the engine oil is leaking from the crank seal rather than the clutch oil. While making the roll bar, I sent the engine to Roush to address the oil leak. I think it was probably sent back to Japan after installing a speedi sleeve to fix the oil leak. Since then, I haven't been keeping track of the exact mileage, but there is still an oil leak from the joint between the engine block and the transmission bell housing. I was planning to check the inside of the bell housing and the back of the flywheel with an endoscope, but I fractured my collarbone last Sunday. So, currently, I am unable to check under the car.
I found drops of engine oil on the air conditioning compressor bracket bolt on the left front side of the engine. This oil leak has also been present since 2008. Around 2010, I replaced the eyeglass-shaped O-ring between the block where the oil filter attaches and the cylinder block. However, it seems to be leaking from the same place or possibly from another location.Ford GT 024.jpgIMG_3116.jpgIMG_3118.jpg


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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Regarding the 2008 photo of the inside of the bellhousing.... yeah, that's a lot of oil. If you're still seeing seepage between the transaxle and engine block, it's safe to say you still have a leak at the rear main seal. That said, and I wouldn't get your hopes up, but there's a small possibility if you get out and drive the car so that that entire seal has an opportunity to be lubricated, the leak could be reduced. Regarding your last pic of the single drop of oil, I'd recommend replacing the o-ring where the top of that braided hose attaches. Two 10mm bolts there and easy enough to remove and you will see a single o-ring there making that seal.


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
Regarding the 2008 photo of the inside of the bellhousing.... yeah, that's a lot of oil. If you're still seeing seepage between the transaxle and engine block, it's safe to say you still have a leak at the rear main seal. That said, and I wouldn't get your hopes up, but there's a small possibility if you get out and drive the car so that that entire seal has an opportunity to be lubricated, the leak could be reduced. Regarding your last pic of the single drop of oil, I'd recommend replacing the o-ring where the top of that braided hose attaches. Two 10mm bolts there and easy enough to remove and you will see a single o-ring there making that seal.
Hello, nota4re san
Once I am able to move my arm, I will check that O-ring as per your advice. I am very grateful to you for your always kind advice.
Thank you.
PS,I removed the parts of the photo in 2008.
Ford GT 004.jpg


GT Owner
Jun 3, 2019
Spokane, WA
I have never done this. You can get Flourescent Leak Detector Dye and add to your engine oil. It will then glow at the leak using an ultraviolet or black light. No glow, the oil must not be engine oil.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 14, 2019
Sorry I didn't get back to you on a part number, I forgot. Called my guy today and he is on vacation until next week. I'll try again then.


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
Sorry I didn't get back to you on a part number, I forgot. Called my guy today and he is on vacation until next week. I'll try again then.
Hello,GT@50 san
thank you so much. There's no need to apologize. I was injured, but where is the oil leaking from? Unable to confirm.
Best regards,
I have never done this. You can get Flourescent Leak Detector Dye and add to your engine oil. It will then glow at the leak using an ultraviolet or black light. No glow, the oil must not be engine oil.
I have done it, and it works. It can also show where the leak is if you catch it before the leaked oil flows all over the place. But: the black light that comes with the kit is junk. Good luck!


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
I have never done this. You can get Flurescent Leak Detector Dye and add to your engine oil. It will then glow at the leak using an ultraviolet or black light. No glow, the oil must not be engine oil.
Hello,Mr. HighHP
Thank you for your advice.



GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
I have never done this. You can get Flurescent Leak Detector Dye and add to your engine oil. It will then glow at the leak using an ultraviolet or black light. No glow, the oil must not be engine oil.

I have done it, and it works. It can also show where the leak is if you catch it before the leaked oil flows all over the place. But: the black light that comes with the kit is junk. Good luck!
Thank you for your comment.
I didn't know there were fluorescent leak detector dyes for engine oil. Won't the fluorescent paint affect the engine lubrication? I'm a bit concerned.

Best regards,


GT Owner
Jun 3, 2019
Spokane, WA
Apparently not. You could do a Google search and find out more. The factories place it in new vehicles in the air conditioning system. I don't think it is paint.


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
Apparently not. You could do a Google search and find out more. The factories place it in new vehicles in the air conditioning system. I don't think it is paint.
Thank you for your comment.
I use Google Translate. I'm wondering if the fluorescent coloring material, not the paint, will affect the engine.
Fluorescent dyes are used to detect gas leaks in air conditioners, but the condition of the lubricating oil in an air conditioner compressor is different from that of a 4-stroke engine, so I wonder if the fluorescent dyes affect the lubricating action of the engine oil. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I hope my Japanese is translated into English accurately.
Best regards,


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 16, 2020
Gainesville FL
Hachi - Just wanted to say your English is coming across just fine (y)
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GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
Hachi - Just wanted to say your English is coming across just fine (y)
Thank you 😊


GT Owner
Jun 3, 2019
Spokane, WA
Thank you for your comment.
I use Google Translate. I'm wondering if the fluorescent coloring material, not the paint, will affect the engine.
Fluorescent dyes are used to detect gas leaks in air conditioners, but the condition of the lubricating oil in an air conditioner compressor is different from that of a 4-stroke engine, so I wonder if the fluorescent dyes affect the lubricating action of the engine oil. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I hope my Japanese is translated into English accurately.
Best regards,
I also would be concerned about it affecting the qualities of the oil. Definitely would not run it long term or under hard use.
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Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
IMHO you don't need dye to detect the presence of motor oil.
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I also would be concerned about it affecting the qualities of the oil. Definitely would not run it long term or under hard use.
The dye I used is Dye-Lite TP-3090 "for gasoline engine oil", made by Tracer Products. One ounce for every 4-5 quarts of oil in the system. I quote from the instruction sheet: "The application specific dye glows a bright yellow-green and will not compromise the effectiveness of the oil in the system" and "It is not necessary to change the oil after adding the tracer dye. When used properly, Dye-Lite can remain safely in the vehicle until the oil is changed". You can do your own research. It did work well for me in finding the source of leaking oil.


GT Owner
Jun 3, 2019
Spokane, WA
IMHO you don't need dye to detect the presence of motor oil.
I concur. can be a good confirmation.


GT Owner
Dec 24, 2023
The dye I used is Dye-Lite TP-3090 "for gasoline engine oil", made by Tracer Products. One ounce for every 4-5 quarts of oil in the system. I quote from the instruction sheet: "The application specific dye glows a bright yellow-green and will not compromise the effectiveness of the oil in the system" and "It is not necessary to change the oil after adding the tracer dye. When used properly, Dye-Lite can remain safely in the vehicle until the oil is changed". You can do your own research. It did work well for me in finding the source of leaking oil.
Thank you for sharing your detailed experience. The amount of oil leaking now is small, so I think I can pinpoint the leaking part. If I can't pinpoint the leaking part, I'll use the information you told me as a reference. Thank you for taking your time to share your experience with me. I appreciate it.
Best regards,


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 15, 2006
Hachi - Please see the TSB regarding the rear main seal leak in the attached document. Note that the part from Ford has long since been discontinued... but you may be able to find directly from the company?


  • Ford_GT_TSBs_4.pdf
    188 KB · Views: 16
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 14, 2019
Just spoke to Ford, NLA. Talk to engine builders as they've dealt with 5.4's with a seal groove in the crank plenty of times. M2K Motorsports and Heffner might be helpful.