I found a photo of when I removed the transmission from the FORD GT while making the roll bar in 2008. Looking at this photo, it seems like the engine oil is leaking from the crank seal rather than the clutch oil. While making the roll bar, I sent the engine to Roush to address the oil leak. I think it was probably sent back to Japan after installing a speedi sleeve to fix the oil leak. Since then, I haven't been keeping track of the exact mileage, but there is still an oil leak from the joint between the engine block and the transmission bell housing. I was planning to check the inside of the bell housing and the back of the flywheel with an endoscope, but I fractured my collarbone last Sunday. So, currently, I am unable to check under the car.
I found drops of engine oil on the air conditioning compressor bracket bolt on the left front side of the engine. This oil leak has also been present since 2008. Around 2010, I replaced the eyeglass-shaped O-ring between the block where the oil filter attaches and the cylinder block. However, it seems to be leaking from the same place or possibly from another location.

I found drops of engine oil on the air conditioning compressor bracket bolt on the left front side of the engine. This oil leak has also been present since 2008. Around 2010, I replaced the eyeglass-shaped O-ring between the block where the oil filter attaches and the cylinder block. However, it seems to be leaking from the same place or possibly from another location.