Let's just assume all that IS true and the mods were not - or COULD NOT - be done. What harm of any kind could the car possibly do if it were now to simply sit in a collection? Making it illegal to even POSSESS amounts to a bit more than the gov't simply "going overboard". It just reeks of, "do so because we SAY so - or else".
One would think possessing this car should fall far short of possessing a WMD, yet it's banned on the same level.
Only in America...:frown
I probably should not make the following comments after reading this thread more than once and yet as much as I “HATE” big brother pointing me in a particular direction, telling when and what to eat, what I should or should not like, etc I also learned long ago that whether I like it or not a framework/structure is needed so as to insure; if such is even possible the lack of total chaos.
IMO the caretaker of this particular gal blew it because contrary to what most seem to be feeling chasing and impounding a solo gal is not high on their to-do list; in fact it was likely a last resort distraction but one that they had to follow through on because of variables that none of us are aware of. IMO to think otherwise should compel one to consider whether individualistic anarchism is the path we want to create/follow.
Now there are provisions that allow non DOT approved gals to remain in this country as a static display however as has been shared; this gal was being driven. Right or wrong I care not to judge and yet it appears to me that the rules of engagement were understood and the results as evidenced IMO were inevitable.
I have moved far more gals than I can remember internationally and prior to 9-11 the process and the follow up by the agencies was modest and very IMO casual however soon after 9-11 things changed drastically. Yes the bringing of non DOT compliant gals into this country is still allowed, this for all sorts of reasons including service however during their stay they remains an active bond and they are monitored. The typical temporary stay is 6 months or less however extensions are not only available but also easy to get as long as described reason for her stay is consistent with the reality of her stay.
Now I think that it is sad that she was impounded however it appears to me and certainly I say this not knowing most of the facts surrounding this case that the described reason for her stay versus the reality of her stay and the manner in which she was being used were not the same.
Do I think that there was a proverbial whistle blower; maybe and yet I think that it is far more likely that the caretaker/person driving this gal to various events and showing her made statements that bit him/her in the arse.
Certainly a very cool car and I suspect that she will find a nice place to hang out once the dust settles; this when compared to the impound facility that she presently resides within.
Takes care