CF & weight savings help


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
As we all know how nice the CF stuff looks it would be nice to have a thread for future searches that could be updated with actual weight savings.
This could also include non CF items as well. Maybe the thread could grow legs and as anyone changes a part they could weigh the original and the new.

Would you be interested in weight gains too?

Transaxle cooler (ford/cooltech)
Engine compartment fire suppression system


GT Owner
Jun 26, 2007
San Mateo, CA
Some one have a weight on the cast iron manifolds as opposed to the headers?

the factory manifolds are iron?


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
The Accufab X pipe weights 15 lbs.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Original style Heffner for use with a bumper 13.7 lbs not including gaskets and hardware.

Sub with Amp 12.18 lbs
Cats drivers side 14.12
Cats passenger side 15.10
Baby Seat Bracket 1.88


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Most expensive weight saving modification.


At some point one must question whether or not the cost of an equipment swap for a potential increase in reliability and performance as well as weight savings is worth it. I'm not sure I would do this one again.

Ex-wife--124 lbs. New high-performance unit--108 lbs.

Weight savings--16 lbs.

Cost-- I don't ever want to think about it again.

Time needed to complete this mod-- Over two years. :ack

I think a better way to go would be the CF hood, and Accufab exhaust.



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.

At some point one must question whether or not the cost of an equipment swap for a potential increase in reliability and performance as well as weight savings is worth it. I'm not sure I would do this one again.

Ex-wife--124 lbs. New high-performance unit--108 lbs.

Weight savings--16 lbs.

Cost-- I don't ever want to think about it again.

Time needed to complete this mod-- Over two years. :ack

I think a better way to go would be the CF hood, and Accufab exhaust.


Beck! GAWDAMIT, I just spit up coffee all over my screen, funniest post of the month award goes to you:lol:banana:lol


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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 13, 2007
Honolulu, HI

At some point one must question whether or not the cost of an equipment swap for a potential increase in reliability and performance as well as weight savings is worth it. I'm not sure I would do this one again.

Ex-wife--124 lbs. New high-performance unit--108 lbs.

Weight savings--16 lbs.

Cost-- I don't ever want to think about it again.

Time needed to complete this mod-- Over two years. :ack

I think a better way to go would be the CF hood, and Accufab exhaust.



Though, in some cases a reduction in weight might be beneficial, a mod of this type usually benefits greatly by converting to a later model. In my case, such a conversion took place last year and I was able to shed 15 years in the process. Of course, the personal treasury was lightened considerably but worth every pound in C Notes. :thumbsup


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
jeez its like pulling teeth with you guys..Chip unless you plan on lending out the new lighter replacemnet for the X.....well we wont include her.

The living list:
  1. New CF hood -14- OEM -24- = 10#
  2. New CF console___ OEM 5.9#
  3. Rear Bumper delete___ OEM___
  4. Muffler replaced with X-pipe 15# OEM 55# = 40#
  5. Brake Rotors FRPP FRT -21.605# -OEM- 23.8 = 4.4#
  6. Brake Rotors FRPP RR -21.82# -OEM- 19.84 = 3.96#


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
I have a Ford trans cooler and lines sitting here if you want those numbers?


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
I have a Ford trans cooler and lines sitting here if you want those numbers?

Yes sir post them up.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
The Ford trans cooler is 4.5 lb with the mounting bracket on it. I could not get the lines on the scale, but they are light. This is with the cooler dry so add a little for the extra fluid.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Safecraft Dual Sensor Fire Protection System
Fire extinguisher = 4lb
Brackets & Hoses = 1lb
(weights do not include the bracket used to mount system to transaxle cooler)
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Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
Lets put things in perspective. The GT is 1200 lb heavier than the Mark I GT. Hard to imagine how our cars would perform at that weight, but considering how our cars would handle with 12, 100 lb sand bags stuffed in it and on it might help. Performance factor (i.e. handling & braking as well as accel) is more than merely power to weight ratio. Surely a 2,500 lb car with 250 HP would out-track a 5,000 lb car with 500 hp, even though the pwr/wt ratio's are the same, so in my opinion it's even more important to decrease weight than to increase power if overall performance is the goal. Given that though, using carbon fiber parts to save weight (except for rotating mass like rotors) is about the most expensive rout. The cheapest rout of course is to delete - like the 100 plus pounds of sound deadening, AC, radio, etc. I can't disagree though that there is something to be said for looking at a C.F. console vs a hole in the dash where the radio used to be. Also, usually when C.F. is replacing a non-structural part like a hood or console, the fiber's properties aren't taken full advantage of so the weight loss isn't as great when compared to optimizing a loaded component using composites. Thats how the full-composite McLaren F-1 weighs 1,100 lb less than the GT. I can hardly imagine what shedding that much weight out of our cars would feel like. Wow.