Cars and coffee Irvine


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA, we're gonna see 100 yards of rubber laid down by every car turned away.

Kiss this event good-bye.

Why does it always takes just a couple nimrods to blow it for everybody else?:thumbsdow


GT Owner
Nov 20, 2006
Killer Dana, CA
Last week I showed up in the Honda Clarity and they didn't want to let me in. I explained that this is one of only three cars in the world and they still said no. I had to call John over and he yelled at them to let me in because it is a hydrogen car (and being a GT owner didn't hurt).

It would have been bad PR for C&C because Car and Driver was there to interview me about the car. They wanted to see what kind of reaction the car gets. As always, there was a massive crowd around the car till after 9am! People were thanking me for bringing the car.

Does this mean, no more special and important cars that the public needs to see? Very sad:thumbsdow

I'm pretty amazed that C&C has survived to date in conservative Irvine. For sure I thought that the a**holio burnout exit thing would kill the event with a mishap or whatever. That stopped, (kind of). Lately it's just taken on the circus event that naturally goes with popularity. It's sad that this is just another fantastic "free" event that will be taxed into oblivion.

For all you old Joni Mitchell's song goes.. "They paint paradise and put up a parking lot" applies here. It's kindah like that epic secret surf spot that turned into Trestles :lol

WTF..Why not expand into that GIANT lot across the street for the full carnival event :cheers