Need opinion on this color combo. Wife talked Me in to combo and it's serialized and locked in and now have regrets.
Blue with orange stripes.
Orange Calipers.
Orange launch control interior.
Real opinions I can take it.
I agree 100 percent about vinyling over stripes if you don't like it. I think it will look great in blue/orange. Personal opinion of course, but I think it will look better blue/orange than blue/black which some said they liked. Both look great, but I like the orange better.Every color combo looks great. it's easy to vinyl over the stripe if you don't like it. Do you have a rendering you can share?
Whatever the combo is, I would say get what YOU want and don't let anyone talk you out of it. Wife included. Potentially dangerous advice, but it's my advice.
Are you morally opposed to beating your wife?
I like this a lot. Especially with the orange interior.
I assume You are vomiting after looking at color???