best wheels/tires for track days are??


GT Owner
Mar 16, 2010
Any of you guys ever put slicks on the rear but leave the stock goodyear's on the front or is this a really bad idea??? I think I have heard it is dangerous to mix, is this true? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks


GT Owner's son
May 5, 2009
San Diego
While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
I would not even consider it, unless you were 1/4 mile racing. Inconsistant grip on the track is not helpful

Any of you guys ever put slicks on the rear but leave the stock goodyear's on the front or is this a really bad idea??? I think I have heard it is dangerous to mix, is this true? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks

I do

While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Another vote for the CCW C-14 wheel! It's lighter than the OE BBS wheel, and arguably more attractive at the race track.

How Much do they weigh? According to CCW they do not have any wheels that are lighter than the 10 spoke BBS wheels


GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?

I do


Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 21, 2008
Houston Texas
While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?

I do. I use a PS2 for fronts and R6's for the rear.

I have a rear set of Pilot Cups but haven't used them more than 150 miles.


GT Owner
Staff member
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona

While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?

A lot of us do. The R6 weighs about 40% less than the stock Goodyears and on the factory forged lightweight wheels they are the best track tires. I have used them on the street for over a year and feel much more secure on them as traction is a TON better. I don't drive my GT in the rain.



GT Owner
Mar 20, 2006
Many of you may not know but Hoosier spent a lot of time to design a front tire for our car and create something that provides the proper balance for the Ford GT.
The optional BBS rim is one of the strongest and lightest rims available.
I suspect it would be very difficult / expensive to find significant improvements beyond this combo.
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Gulf GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 9, 2006
While this thread is bumped to the top, how many of you guys use the R6 as your street tire?

I do too. They're the best.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 29, 2008
kilgore tx
From the above posts it appears the CCW's or BBs's are the best, but Hoosier's or the R6 Goodyears ? Which heat up quicker ? Which last longer ? Any opinions ? Anyone tried both ?

Pete S.

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Aug 18, 2006
A knowledgable race mechanic on this forum suggested that driving to the limits of the Goodyears before switching to the Hoosiers or anything else was a good idea. I always bring the Goodyears for those events that turn into rain events. Absolutely nothing better than learning in the rain on a closed course. Besides, much less track rubber and other debris kicking up all over the car and windshield.

Pete S.