Best Penetrating Oils


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Found that the original article had a misprint. They didn’t use automatic transmission fluid (ATF), instead, they used power steering fluid (PSF) and since the fluids don’t mix well, you have to shake the solution while using it. Here’s the correction from the magazine.

February 2, 2008
Machinist's Workshop V20 number 2, April/May 2007, page 35
Article: “Testing Penetrating oils”

This reports a test of penetrating oils where they measured the force required to loosen rusty test devices. The details reported here were validated by the original article author. He also added some details on the methods. You must buy the issue if you want to see how they did the test. The back issue is available for purchase.

The table below extracts the results table. The lower the number of pounds the better. Interesting that a simple mix of acetone and power steering fluid (PSF) works the best!

February 2, 2008
Penetrating oil........Average load.........Price per fluid ounce
None.......................516 pounds
WD-40....................238 pounds............$0.25
PB Blaster...............214 pounds.............$0.35
Liquid Wrench.........127 pounds.............$0.21
Kano Kroil...............106 pounds.............$0.75
PSF-Acetone mix......53 pounds..............$0.10 (50/50 mix)

Note from original article author:
1) These are loads required to free the test piece after 8 hours of immersion in penetrating oil. This is probably not representative of a quick squirt just before a wrench is applied.
2) The original article states ATF was used in the DIY mix. It was actually PSF. I corrected the table to reflect this.
© Copyright 8 February 2008, [email protected]

Permission to print and post on the internet in this form received from the author 8 February 2008.

I corrected the below table also. Jer

Penetrating Oils

Machinist’s Workshop Mag™ recently published some information on various
penetrating oils. Some of you might appreciate this. The magazine reports they
tested penetrates for break out torque on rusted nuts.

They are below, as forwarded by an ex-student and professional machinist.
They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrates with the control being
the torque required to remove the nut from a “scientifically rusted” environment.

Penetrating oils ........... Average torque load to loosen
No Oil used ................. 516 pounds
WD-40 ......................... 238 pounds
PB Blaster ................... 214 pounds
Liquid Wrench ............. 127 pounds
Kano Kroil ................... 106 pounds
PSF*- Acetone mix....... 53 pounds

The PSF-Acetone mix is a “home brew” mix of 50 - 50 automatic transmission fluid
and acetone. Note this “home brew” released bolts better than any commercial
product in this one particular test.

PSF - Acetone mix is best, but you can also use PSF and lacquer thinner in a 50-50 mix.

*PSF = Power Steering Fluid


GT Owner
Jul 26, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
On the farm we just used diesel fuel or kerosene.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Break Free CLP


GT Owner
Jan 23, 2014
grosse ile mich
zep 45 and bees was


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL

I was referring to a different type of penetration.


GT Owner
Jan 21, 2012
Houston, Texas
Mousemilk, use it on the waste gates on aircraft. Stands up to the heat


Mark II Lifetime
Jun 13, 2006
Louisville CO
I had a chemist friend do an analysis on the makeup of WD-40: Kerosene and lard, which means that you may not want to use it on your pancakes if it's old since it could go rancid.

the Wizard

GT Owner
Jul 16, 2012
Los Angeles
I use PB Blaster.....I didn't see it on your list at first...oh well....
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