Be Careful If You Are Still Getting Home!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
Man oh Man. :eek

I just hope and pray everyone gets home safe and sound from beautiful Utah.

My wife Terry and I left yesterday at 6:30 am, towing the GT 700 miles home to Santa Monica, CA.

It's a 1,400 mile round trip from SoCal to SLC and back and we were 1, 398 miles from home when we went through the McClure Tunnel where Interstate 10 ends and the Pacific Coast Highway begins, cruising through in the right hand lane at about a 40 degree blind turn, when all the sudden red brake lights and stopped cars. Oh S@*t!

It's two lanes each way divided by by 3 foot concrete wall...where do I go? I have the brake pedal on the Yukon XL on the floor, ABS is pulsating and I glance into the drivers mirror...don't think there was anyone to my left. No matter, I have no choice, it's steer the Yukon and 26 ft. trailer into the lane on the left without hitting the concrete divider to the left and the cars in the right hand lane I started the escapade in.

Thank the Lord I was able to manuver the car and rig safely into the left lane and keep from trashing the Yukon, trailer and precious GT cargo inside. Needless to say when we stopped short of rear ending the car, hitting the concrete wall and clipping cars in the right lane, my heart started to pump once again.

Then, my co-pilot (and MMP Ladies' Track Queen), grabs my shoulder and says, "That was the best bit of driving you did all week and you were'nt even driving the GT!"

Get home safely everyone!:willy


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Kevi -

I left Saturday morning at 6:00 am (MDT) from the Chevron Station at 500 S. and SW Temple, stopped twice for fuel in Ely and Tonopah, and stopped at the Mammoth Chevron on Main Street at 11:58 am (PDT) - 536 miles in 7 hours. You do the math! US 93A, 93 and US 6 are wonderful roads!

(Once over Wild Rose Summit on the Benton Crossing Road, I drove the last 30 miles within the speed limits.)


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Well our saga is still happening.... We were to fly out sat, to Boston, canceled... Soonest flight available, Wednesday..... So after 6 hours at the airport in SLC yesterday, visiting EVERY airline counter looking for options. The end results? Closest city we could get to was Detroit. So we got a car, and are mid way home in upstate NY.....home tomorrow. One upside, got to have another great dinner with GT friends, at the very nice St Regis hotel in park city last night.

Very Glad you were able to avoid a shunt on the highway, after safely navigating miller!


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
Well Ralphie Boy,
By my calculations you averaged 76.57 MPH on your way home. Glad you are safe and sound brother.
Sweet trip home.....You gonna make a trip down to SoCal later this year if we pull together a drive in October??


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 24, 2005
Well Gino and Bill could not get a flight out to N.Y.till Friday!So they drove there cars home today ! I hope we will hear all the details soon!


GT Owner
Aug 29, 2005
San Diego,Ca.
Left SLC at 5:00am and home in San Diego,CA. at 3:00pm. Only problem, I lost my tach on the way home!!!


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Finished our drive, with an extra 2.5 hours to get around a flooded I90 in NY. Glad to be home.


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Finished our drive, with an extra 2.5 hours to get around a flooded I90 in NY. Glad to be home.

Glad you guys finally made it home Andy. Keep in touch


Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Dec 10, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
I put 3030 miles on my GT on this trip. Drove 1200 miles total on Sat. and Sun. to get home to Fort Worth yesterday at 6 pm. No tickets. Car ran flawlessly. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon again. Thanks Dave, Ron, and the rest of the gang for a wonderful Rally 6.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 5, 2006
Pahrump, NV
Wow Kev!
Glad you are ok and the Man upstairs was watching over you and Terry.


Glad you got home okay Kevin.


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Yikes! Glad you're both OK......

I remember a few years ago a lorry, with wheels fully locked, going up my nearside on the emergency lane, having done the same thing. He hadn't seen the traffic stopped and I watched him in my mirror lock his wheels up. I was in a low sports car and his wheels were taller than my car - thank God he steered around me.

It's a frightening experience so I re-lived your incident!!


Keep Smiling - GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Oct 14, 2005
Gino and Dave both got pinched by the same cop in Wyoming........
They told Gino that a silver gt was pulled over the nite before.....guess who....
There having a field day on the gt;s coming through...


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 4, 2006
Whooeee, Neil I didn't mean to bring up a nightmare, that's for certain!
Sounds like the Big Racer In The Sky looked out for us those two days!


GT Owner
Oct 19, 2005
London, UK
Whooeee, Neil I didn't mean to bring up a nightmare, that's for certain!
Sounds like the Big Racer In The Sky looked out for us those two days!

I think you're right.....

Hope you are both well, be sure to look me up if you are ever back in the UK.....


GT aficionado
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 17, 2006
Grand Junction, CO
Scary to read! :eek Glad to hear you and Terry made it back in one piece! It was nice seeing you both at the rally.