Battery stuck


GT Owner
Aug 15, 2010
Phoenix, az
I'm trying to remove my die-hard from the car. I loosened the nut behind (towards windshield) the battery but its unmoving. Hard to get leverage without bending a quarter panel. Any suggestions?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 9, 2012
Myakka City, Florida
That bolt compresses a small wedge against the bottom of the battery. Reach down there and give the wedge a tap. It may be wedged! Alternatively, more pressure on the battery. It's just sitting in a box. Perhaps the physical dimensions of the Die Hard are not exactly the same as the Optima. It may be a tight fit in the box. More power! Use a strap. Whatever you do, do not use the fender for leverage, or you'll be seeing the paintless dent remover.

Here's a view from underneath. The bolt you loosen from the top is at the bottom of the photo. You can see there is nothing except that lip on the front side holding the battery down once the wedge on the back side is loose.

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viva gt

GT Owner
Sep 15, 2010
toronto canada
Try Taking the battery hold down bolt all the way out. Then dislodge/ remove the wedge. The battery should come out.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
I have tied a string to the bolt so I don't drop it. you might do that and give it a yank. Xcentric is right about the wedge being wedged.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 29, 2008
Asbury, NJ
A wedged wedge?

Who woulda thunk it?


GT Owner
Aug 15, 2010
Phoenix, az
I finally got it out by leveraging from the front of the car through the hood vents. The nut was not the issue. I think the battery is slightly too large.