Battery Recommendation


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 29, 2008
kilgore tx
Odyssey battery

fyi - the battery fits as i needed one now and my local battery store
"tri state battery" had one and i installed and it fit - but im sure i didnt
get any price break as it was $295.00 plus tax


Totally ****** Up
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Aug 2, 2006
Dallas, TX

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN

fyi - the battery fits as i needed one now and my local battery store
"tri state battery" had one and i installed and it fit - but im sure i didnt
get any price break as it was $295.00 plus tax

Steved57- Thanks for the info. Could you please post up exactly which model number battery you bought and installed and have kyle confirm this is the same battery he is talking about?

Just want to make sure the group buy is all talking about a battery size (your actual battery installed(?)) that has been confirmed to fit. Thanks!

And I would be interested in one as well....


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 29, 2008
kilgore tx
ill get the model # off the battery and also post a picture
could be late this afternoon or tomorrow




Ex GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
ill get the model # off the battery and also post a picture
could be late this afternoon or tomorrow



Can you supply the model # of the battery. Appears I'm going to be needing one very soon. :ack



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
............aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, Costco and Sam's Club both carry the Optima Batteries. The Red Top (which comes in a FGT) is $129. The uprated Yellow Top is $159.

So both are about half of an Odessey Battery and readily obtainable.


Ex GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
............aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, Costco and Sam's Club both carry the Optima Batteries. The Red Top (which comes in a FGT) is $129. The uprated Yellow Top is $159.

So both are about half of an Odessey Battery and readily obtainable.

My success rate with Optima sucks. I have had them in 6 cars and can get about 1-2 years from them. If they go dead, they stay that way. I was referring to the number for the Odyssey battery.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA
My success rate with Optima sucks. I have had them in 6 cars and can get about 1-2 years from them. If they go dead, they stay that way. I was referring to the number for the Odyssey battery.


Bummer. I have had them in 5 cars over the past 6+ years and never had a problem. I use the Yellow Top in a rock crawling Jeep because of all the extra gear (winch, stereo, etc...).


Ex GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Bummer. I have had them in 5 cars over the past 6+ years and never had a problem. I use the Yellow Top in a rock crawling Jeep because of all the extra gear (winch, stereo, etc...).

I agree, it would be a lot easier since I can get the Optima easier. I must be jinxed are something, but I seem to be in the field that have problems. I've got a yellow top in the garage that gave it up in less than 8 months. Maybe their sending the crappy ones down here! :frown



Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
It might have something to do with heat.

Maybe one of you stores in a AC cooled garage?
Aug 25, 2006
I too have been using the Optima red and yellow tops for years and they last me many years when they are in gals that are driven and or on the trickle charger when sitting. I have Battery Tenders on all of the gals in my facility at all times because sadly even though I intend on exercising them often times they sit for many weeks.

FYI; the yellow top is more forgiving if the voltage drops as the result of not being on a trickle charger however for the Ford GT I use only the OEM offering.

Takes care


Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
Ed's OEM battery

I have the OEM Optima battery still. Over 3 years old, 18,000 miles & driven twice a month with no battery tender. Should I replace it soon?

Aug 25, 2006
I have the OEM Optima battery still. Over 3 years old, 18,000 miles & driven twice a month with no battery tender. Should I replace it soon?



Your gal is fine; between the regular exercsing that she receives from you and then when within my facility she is on a Battery Tender as such I see no signs of concern.

Takes care



GT Owner
Mar 9, 2007
So Cal
I agree, it would be a lot easier since I can get the Optima easier. I must be jinxed are something, but I seem to be in the field that have problems. I've got a yellow top in the garage that gave it up in less than 8 months. Maybe their sending the crappy ones down here! :frown


I have the red top in the ZO6, no issues, red top in the GT, and if I forget the plug the tender for 2-3 days, the GT gages don't rgister properly, very annoying. Both baught at Costco BTW.
Aug 25, 2006
I have the red top in the ZO6, no issues, red top in the GT, and if I forget the plug the tender for 2-3 days, the GT gages don't rgister properly, very annoying. Both baught at Costco BTW.

My only comment would be that the battery may not have been fresh when received as such I suspect that the one in your GT is a sour unit.

The Optima red tops do not like to be allowed to become discharged nor do they like to be quick charged; if either of these situations occurs IMO the battery in junk however if used properly and as design they last a very long time.

Takes care



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Sep 9, 2006
I used a yellow Optima with good results as a primary battery. After selling my '06 Jeep, I transferred the battery and use it in a case to power fridge and other accessories in my LR3.


Ex GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
I agree with Shadowman on the need not to let the red top go dead (next to impossible to resurrect)! Also it should only be slow charged. Like I said earlier though, I am in the other camp on this one. While it is great there are those that have had success with the Optima, I haven't been one of them. I also belong to Ferrarichat and the majority of comments there are against the Optima, at least as used in a Ferrari. Had one in my Testarossa and it went out in 18 months. So, I am interested in trying something else and the Odyssey seems to be my next move.



GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 26, 2007
Florida/North Jersey
I have the built in/hard wired battery tender connector located in a convenient spot for hooking up as soon as I park the GT. The car is either moving or on a tender. My batteries last forever doing this on other part-time cars, but my experience with the GT Optima is limited to the last two years.



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 11, 2006
Surf City, USA last note about the Optima's.

They come with a 3 year warranty.


GT Owner
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Mark IV Lifetime
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Feb 13, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Ford GT battery.


Almost 2 years ago while doing some work on my FGT, I left the keys in the ignition with the ignition turned forward to the accessory position. Three weeks later when I returned to the car, it was deader than a door nail. There wasn't so much as a single electron left inside my factory Optima battery. Per the advice I received on this forum I assume that the battery was toast so I went out and bought a brand-new one. Before purchasing a red top Optima from my local Batteries Plus+ shop, I stopped in to Ford of North Scottsdale to see how much more they would charge to get me the Optima with the Ford GT logo on the top. Amazingly, the factory FGT Optima, complete with logo, was not only about 10% cheaper than the price at Batteries Plus, my Ford dealer had it in stock!!! I bought it on the spot of course and took it home. Before installing it I thought I would at least try to recharge the dead battery already in my car. I put it on a two amp slow charge for three days. The car started right up and that battery has performed flawlessly for almost 2 years now since that event. My brand-new FGT Optima battery has been on a battery tender in my storage room for the last two years.

Based upon this I would at least try to recharge your dead Red Top Optima before throwing it out. All the best.
