Anyone have experience with a Subterranean Garage Lift


GT Owner
May 9, 2011
Springfield, Il.
Ever since I saw this video on You Tube I have been interested in one of these.

I have found two manufacturers and the price looks like somewhere around 70 to 80K for a 2 car lift installed. Since I am land locked (on our local lake) and I already have 2 garages, this is my only option that will allow me to bring the 3 cars I have at the hanger home again. I would install the lift outside in front of the existing garage and have 2 spots underground in addition to the lift spots, so I could actually have enough space to get another car.

One thing I have questions about is the cost. It does seem high to ask 40 to 50,000 for a four post lift when a typical garage lift is less then 6,000.00. I have started to talk to concrete contractors and it seems like the foundation is little more then what would be found in a regular basement with the exception of the ceiling that would have to support cars being driven over it. But I have seen that done twice in the last year.

There are 2 types, the scissors lift and the four post. I can not see any reason for a scissor lift over a four post as it is slower and requires more depth to install.

Links to the manufacturers I have found so far.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
I think they solve a problem where there are no other options. I wonder how they are serviced, e.g. if the lift breaks and you got cars underground? Is there an service access port?


GT Owner
May 9, 2011
Springfield, Il.
For me at least I will have a door from the side since my land slopes off and there is an existing retaining wall that will accommodate the entrance. The way I have seen these sold is they are cut into an existing basement. But I have also seen a trap door in one of them.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Mar 13, 2010
Richmond Virginia
I have had a rotary 4 post for 2 years and oddly enough called today to see about adding another one and price is $4400 installed. But, does not sound like it would work for you. Good luck

jim gibson

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Dec 13, 2009
warren, ohio
Check out Backyard Buddy four post lifts. I own one and this is a high quality lift made in the USA. I don't know if that will solve your problem, but at least give them a call.

Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
I am looking at the same option as my house backs onto a lake as well so access to the back is boat only. I have 3 lifts already and the contractors I have been talking to are happy to do the concrete and let me supply the lift. Lots of lifts out there that fit the bill and as spring closes in I am hoping to get a plan together. Been here 12 years and am tired of going to the shop to work on the cars.



Formal dinning and living rooms can become adequate garages for minimal $.

Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
Hmmm time to give the marble & leather a boot and replace it with some tin & rubber.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mar 13, 2010
Fredericksburg, TX
Been here 12 years and am tired of going to the shop to work on the cars.



Would you care to expand on your comment about going to a shop to work on your cars? How far away from your house was it and what time did it take to get there?

I'm thinking about a retirement home and actually purchasing about 10 miles away a small lot with a 60x40 building on it to use as an office/workshop and place to store my cars. Setup is in a small industrial park area of a small town. Just thinking that the area we're thinking of building a house might have neighbors not as into cars as I am. Also was thinking it might be nice to actually have some place besides the house to go to each day once I retire. Any comments on not having a large workshop right at the house?


Not 4N

Tungsten GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 5, 2006
Calgary AB
It is not the distance(20 mins) from the shop but it is the work side of the coin. I love what I do and provide graphics for everything from movie backdrops to private jets but any shop with multiple employees brings other "babysitting" issues into the picture. I am fortunate with over 22,000Sq/Ft that I have a large area for the toys, including my transporter, but I don't think you can top walking out your door, with a coffee in hand, and walking into your private shop.:thumbsup

If you have a shop 5 minutes away that is just for your toys that would be great as you could make the short commute and work at your own pace on your own stuff, but, again, walking out one door(coffee in hand) and into another is pretty tough to beat. I am working on the solution and if need be a track hoe can fix my problem.
