Another Price Spectulation Thread - for under $200K


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
I'm not certain they will sell every one at $340k, but they will sell a bunch. I think that stretching out the expected 1,200 car production run makes it less likely, not more likely, that all the cars will sell at MSRP or better.

As for the comment about PHX's competition, keep in mind that for many, the PHX has no competition because it's a Ford supercar or nothing for them. I'd gladly pay $3XXk for this car, but if I can't get one, I'm not about to run out and get something else. While I appreciate the other cars in the segment, I have no real interest in owning any of them. Had the FGT not come out, I probably would have a Superformance GT40 or a Corvette. At the time I bought the FGT, some people couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that I bought a Ford over a Ferrari. None could understand that I had no interest in owning a Ferrari. Reading through the demographic information in the FGT dealer handbook, Ford described me as a potential purchaser perfectly.
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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 23, 2010
Austin, TX
This thing is like pricing an IPO, dont want to get too greedy and price too high or they will sit and drop. You have to price it where they will sell everything, and demand is strong beyond the first 500. My guess $299K. Will trade over MSRP for a year or two at most. If its not faster than everything except a P1, 918, Leferrari, than $300K+ will be a hard sell and the mags will crush it publicly considering the competition and pricing. Us diehards will be all in, but I dont know if thats enough to hold up the market. For example, CGT production right around 1200, half being in Europe, and even the Porsche diehards couldnt hold that thing up. Now its coming back, but there was a time $100K under MSRP was common on those. The recession helped that of course, but not entirely to blame. Just my 2c.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Agreed 10000% I bought the GT because it was a Ford, I have great interest in this new car because its a Ford we have 9 others. Zero interest in a lambo, Mclaren (F1 would be fine... but), or Ferrari. If I was forced, probably be something 80's ish generation (512?), with 3 pedals. This Ford has me VERY interested, spending 6 figures has not come close to crossing my mind since the fall of 2005, when we got the GT.

As for the comment about PHX's competition, keep in mind that for many, the PHX has no competition because it's a Ford supercar or nothing for them. I'd gladly pay $3XXk for this car, but if I can't get one, I'm not about to run out and get something else. While I appreciate the other cars in the segment, I have no real interest in owning any of them. Had the FGT not come out, I probably would have a Superformance GT40 or a Corvette. At the time I bought the FGT, some people couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that I bought a Ford over a Ferrari. None could understand that I had no interest in owning a Ferrari. Reading through the demographic information in the FGT dealer handbook, Ford described me as a potential purchaser perfectly.

Vince H

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 23, 2012
Southern California
Agreed 10000% I bought the GT because it was a Ford, I have great interest in this new car because its a Ford we have 9 others. Zero interest in a lambo, Mclaren (F1 would be fine... but), or Ferrari. If I was forced, probably be something 80's ish generation (512?), with 3 pedals. This Ford has me VERY interested, spending 6 figures has not come close to crossing my mind since the fall of 2005, when we got the GT.

Exactly to all of this.

Vince H


GT Owner
Agreed 10000% I bought the GT because it was a Ford, I have great interest in this new car because its a Ford we have 9 others. Zero interest in a lambo, Mclaren (F1 would be fine... but), or Ferrari. If I was forced, probably be something 80's ish generation (512?), with 3 pedals. This Ford has me VERY interested, spending 6 figures has not come close to crossing my mind since the fall of 2005, when we got the GT.

You hit the nail square on the head.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Us diehards will be all in, but I dont know if thats enough to hold up the market. For example, CGT production right around 1200, half being in Europe, and even the Porsche diehards couldnt hold that thing up. Now its coming back, but there was a time $100K under MSRP was common on those. The recession helped that of course, but not entirely to blame. Just my 2c.

Yep. I challenge anyone to identify any car in the history of the automobile with a production of at least 1,200 which couldn't be bought for less than MSRP within a couple years after production. The hysteria in many of the posts about PHX is mind bottling.
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GT Owner
Aug 18, 2005
Lake Zurich, IL
I was giving some thought to what the new GT could cost
At the low end, What is the competition? Lambo Huracan, McLaren 650S? The new GT will have more technology than a Lambo Huracan (dry 3100Lbs) so it seems reasonable to price it above $250K. With a McLaren 650S coming in around $270K with a carbon tub, but small turbo V8, that could be the low end.

At the high end of the range the Lambo Aventador (4085Lbs) is all carbon but has a V12 so the new GT with a V6 will find it harder to compete at $400K.
If it weights significantly less than the Huracan, however; it may be able to command more $ in spite of the V6.

Since limited production and car will be closer to a race spec, my guess $340K since I think it will be much lighter.
I think the V6 is going to cap the high end significantly.

Of course, right after I post this, I see McLaren announces a 650S Le Mans edition of 50 for $371K. I'd want a new GT before the McLaren at that price..
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Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
I think that's actually a cool looking car, but it's going to be available at a huge discount, just like the rest of them.

You can option up a 650S to around $400k already. Look at the optional CF bits on here, totals about $60k. PHX is CF in it's entirety.
