After my FGT loss, Finally hunting to be an owner again.

Speed Thrills

GT Owner
Jan 8, 2007
Hello all,

Been a while now since I first acquired my 06 FGT back in 07. Sadly I had to let the car go shortly after the 09 crisis and have regretted it ever since, especially considering where valuations have gone which makes getting one back that much more difficult. Anyway the time has come and actively looking. Since I know many members here own GTs and know many other owners as well, I thought I'd reintroduce myself and put out what I'm looking for in the chance someone might know of a reasonable matching car. I prefer a private sale but ultimately looking for a clean car and fair deal.

My original car was a 4 option black 06 and ideally would like the exact same spec. Not too picky on miles as I plan to drive the car and keep it this time :) I'm in So Cal but will go where the deal takes me. Found several brokers / dealers with cars very close to what I want but so far they are either not the exact spec, modded or just unrealistically priced. Hopefully a mutually beneficial deal can be had being direct with an owner. Looking forward to finally filling my empty FGT void and appreciate any help of leeds towards making that happen and getting it to a great new home.

Thanks in advance.



Le Mans 2010 Sponsor * Moderator
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 22, 2006
N.E. OH & Naples, FL
Hello all,

Been a while now since I first acquired my 06 FGT back in 07. Sadly I had to let the car go shortly after the 09 crisis and have regretted it ever since, especially considering where valuations have gone which makes getting one back that much more difficult. Anyway the time has come and actively looking. Since I know many members here own GTs and know many other owners as well, I thought I'd reintroduce myself and put out what I'm looking for in the chance someone might know of a reasonable matching car. I prefer a private sale but ultimately looking for a clean car and fair deal.

My original car was a 4 option black 06 and ideally would like the exact same spec. Not too picky on miles as I plan to drive the car and keep it this time :) I'm in So Cal but will go where the deal takes me. Found several brokers / dealers with cars very close to what I want but so far they are either not the exact spec, modded or just unrealistically priced. Hopefully a mutually beneficial deal can be had being direct with an owner. Looking forward to finally filling my empty FGT void and appreciate any help of leeds towards making that happen and getting it to a great new home.

Thanks in advance.


Good luck in your search. Many of us will keep an eye out for you.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 1, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Good luck to you Eric and make sure you have a PPI done before purchase. I was looking for 6 months before I found my 05 GT.

Speed Thrills

GT Owner
Jan 8, 2007
Good luck in your search. Many of us will keep an eye out for you.

Much appreciated!
Good luck to you Eric and make sure you have a PPI done before purchase. I was looking for 6 months before I found my 05 GT.

Thank you for the tip. Seems quite a few out there lately. I wonder if the second gens being out has temporarily dimmed the light on the 05-06s.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I wonder if the second gens being out has temporarily dimmed the light on the 05-06s.

'Unlikely...for a number of reasons.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 26, 2010
Carlsbad, CA
Welcome back (soon) and good luck on your search. She’s out there just be patient.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Feb 12, 2011
Eric, I have a 41,000 mile, black, three option, give me a call if you are interested. 914-490-8365, Pat

Speed Thrills

GT Owner
Jan 8, 2007
Eric, I have a 41,000 mile, black, three option, give me a call if you are interested. 914-490-8365, Pat

I little high on the milage for me but thank you.

Really appreciate the PMs with referrals, advice and GTs for sale. Please keep them coming. Again prefer a Black 4 option GT, preferably 10k miles or under.

Thank you again!


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Less than 10K miles is a low mileage car, so expect to pay top dollar.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 20, 2006
41,000 is nothing on one of these given it was taken care of


GT Owner
Apr 18, 2013
Chesapeake VA
41,000 is nothing on one of these given it was taken care of

Agree, I bought a 56K mile car and it's in absolutely fabulous condition. Everyone I've shown it to, guesses well under 10K miles.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2017
Newport Beach Ca
Heres a lead I just received on Black 2006 1,000 miles i am told. I have not seen the car:
The car will be in the $310K zone. All the best, Gil Wazana Fusion Motor Company O: 818.773.8181 C: 818.822.8747


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Apr 18, 2014
Kalama, Free part of WA State
Basic question: Are ya gonna drive it, or is it gonna be a garage ornament? If the latter, buy a low-mileage car and pay $300K or so. If the former, buy one with mucho grande more miles for low $200's and drive the piss out of it. That's what they're for! If you just let it sit, seals dry out, things corrode, get stuck, etc.

I'm coming up on 60Kmi with nothing but basic maintenance, and Jeff in Seattle is somewhere around 150Kmi with nothing but regular maintenance. They are durable cars and will probably outlast you. Don't save it for the next guy.

Speed Thrills

GT Owner
Jan 8, 2007
Heres a lead I just received on Black 2006 1,000 miles i am told. I have not seen the car:
The car will be in the $310K zone. All the best, Gil Wazana Fusion Motor Company O: 818.773.8181 C: 818.822.8747

Appreciate the heads up. Actually spoke to Fusion weeks ago and that Blk 4 option car is sold. They are local so was one of the first I called.

Basic question: Are ya gonna drive it, or is it gonna be a garage ornament? If the latter, buy a low-mileage car and pay $300K or so. If the former, buy one with mucho grande more miles for low $200's and drive the piss out of it. That's what they're for! If you just let it sit, seals dry out, things corrode, get stuck, etc.

I'm coming up on 60Kmi with nothing but basic maintenance, and Jeff in Seattle is somewhere around 150Kmi with nothing but regular maintenance. They are durable cars and will probably outlast you. Don't save it for the next guy.

I absolutely agree but I have been finding deals on low mile cars very close to asking on high miles cars. For me it’s worth it to pay an extra 10-15k for a 6k mile car vs saving that amount for a 60k. Just my opinion. Yes, there is no shortage of low mile cars well into the $300s but the more I look at actual sales and auctions, they are much much less. My only trick now has been finding the spec I want, but ultimately in no will come.

Appreciate all the leeds!