advice on selling a GT
Having bought mine only a couple of weeks ago, (after looking for months)here's my take:
EBAY - same old cars over and over again that never seem to sell, and often appear to have 'issues'. I'd never recommend you try to sell via this route
AUTOTRADER - good variety of cars always on offer, with less of the 'same old same old'. I saw mine posted there and contacted them on the same day. With the help of a Club member I bought sight unseen for a great price - probably $10k under what it would normally be. This is probably a good route if you want to sell privately
SHELBY - seems to have great cars, and was helpful when I talked with him. He didn't have any in the color I needed, hence me not buying through him. As he says, he has to make a little money so you probably won't get as much cash as via a private sale; however, likely to be a painless transaction for you.
Bottom line however, if there's anyway you can keep it, do it! These things are awesome and in my view will be better than money in the bank over the long haul - how much fun can you have looking at a monthly bank statement? With a GT you can drive your investment!