Accufab Throttle body


GT Owner
Jan 25, 2007
Hey, am I missing something here? I mean for a max of 10hp and most likely less then 6 can be found, does this really make sense? Maybe there are some "other" reasons to make this purchase? Doesnt seem like you much of a return on power for what it costs.... thanks...
Aug 25, 2006
Hey, am I missing something here? I mean for a max of 10hp and most likely less then 6 can be found, does this really make sense? Maybe there are some "other" reasons to make this purchase? Doesnt seem like you much of a return on power for what it costs.... thanks...

Huuuuum... are you speaking of such a tweak on the OEM configuration or?? The only time that it make any $$ sense (if there is such a thing as financial sense) particularly when additional performance is the only criteria to which one is comparing would be in conjunction with the Whipple and then only as the gal's performance envelope is pushed.

Now having shared this; the AccuFab throttle body is truly a piece of mechanical jewelry both to look at and even more so when one understands and appreciates the materials use in its construction.

Now there was significant testing done with this unit on the GT by John aka AccuFab and his team and I feel that he would share this data. I chatted with him at length about the unit several months ago because my initial comments and feelings were as yours however after chatting with him and then even more so after receiving the unit; I have no regrets.

Nevertheless real time testing results as show on a graph show little if any measurable gains up to around 17 psi with the Whipple and then becomes increasingly more beneficial as the boost levels are increased. Having shared this; my decision was based on several factors only one being the solicited performance gains. One of the more significant is that fact that it is simply a wonderful unit with an associated cost that I feel is modest.

As I have stated about other considerations in the past; is this unit for everyone; no and yet I feel certain that everyone that purchases one will be happy.

I hope that this helps as you ponder the purchase

All the best



GT Owner
Mar 8, 2006
It looks great and is a very nice piece. I love mine. People also spend $2k on an exhaust system that doesn't add power too.


GT Owner
Sep 8, 2005
Very nice looking but the butterfly valves on the two I've seen do not close properly.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Mine's perfect. And a piece of art. If you modd, you will see the better response of throttle and at highspeed gets more air in. it comes with the intake support to avoid choking the rubber, I seen this myself that it does go a bit flat, naturally hindering airflow (but, to be precise, on a dyno).
I am not sure if throttle response is imagination or better. Only thing I will do, is exchange the K&N's. The originals have better flow..
Aug 25, 2006
Very nice looking but the butterfly valves on the two I've seen do not close properly.

I can not speak to the mechanical issue that you observed other than to say that the butterflies are preset at a position by the team at AccuFab and they recommend that it not be changes as the TPS (throttle position switch will) take over once installed and powered up. Now if on the other hand they simply were not pre-set properly then as is always possible aka the "human" element I feel certain that they would quickly and graciously correct it and likely be embarrassed because of it.

Takes care



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 21, 2005
What is the hp gain when used in conjunction with the Whipple?
Aug 25, 2006
What is the hp gain when used in conjunction with the Whipple?

It remains my understanding that up until approx 17psi minimal at best however the throttle response is crisper even in the lower boost range.

Then as the gal is pushed beyond 17psi the increase becomes progressive. Now having shared this even if the measurable HP gains are only modest the gals seem to respond well to them.

It is sad that far too often folks speak to the final or peak HP and TRQ numbers and never do what I refer to as an overlay to evaluate the general operation of the gals as tweaks are completed. There are “MANY” performance tweaks that afford “ZERO” measurable gain when the only number looked at is the peak however the body of the performance can be significantly improved.

This is why in my facility as well as with my personal gals I care far less (not at all) about peak numbers but rather focus on the power curve. I always tell people that if you listen and watch your gal she will tell you exactly what she wants and many times the results are not greater peak numbers.

We use the phrase “TRQ likes fuel” however once peaked she would need the fuel trimmed back in order to see the most extreme HP number because peak HP likes to be a bit leaner; sometimes on the ragged edge. Now having shared this; through this process you will likely find the greatest “PEAK” numbers and yet not have the most friendly or safe (as in safe for the gal's heart when being exercised to her extreme limits) gal to drive.

Sorry to ramble

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GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 21, 2005
So, after the long soliloquy and the reference to "only peak hp", what are the measurable improvements with the throttle body. If not known, it might be helpful to say so.

Many may claim that "vitamin z" helps with a myriad of maladies, but without quantifiable data, claims of "feeling better" are meaningless.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jan 4, 2006
Belleville, IL
Cuda, you win the snake oil!
Aug 25, 2006
So, after the long soliloquy and the reference to "only peak hp", what are the measurable improvements with the throttle body. If not known, it might be helpful to say so.

Many may claim that "vitamin z" helps with a myriad of maladies, but without quantifiable data, claims of "feeling better" are meaningless.

So sorry.............. there had been a reference made to the HP gains at the start of this thread as solicited by AccuFab of around 11 as such I did not address that because I thought that you were looking for something else. I was simply attempting to share that all too often folks get caught up in the HP number alone missing the other benefits associated with the specific product and or service.

Here is what John aka AccuFab states on his web site

Throttle body installed on a stock GT = 4-5HP
Throttle body installed on a GT in association with other performance mods = 11HP

Takes care



GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Oct 21, 2005
Yes, I was wondering with the Whipple and the associated increased boost and airflow, if there have been quantified hp and/or tq improvements.
Aug 25, 2006
Yes, I was wondering with the Whipple and the associated increased boost and airflow, if there have been quantified hp and/or tq improvements.

I understand and respecfully defer to John at AccuFab as he has done testing.

All the best


Ripper 02

Permanent Vacation
Aug 16, 2006
So sorry.............. there had been a reference made to the HP gains at the start of this thread as solicited by AccuFab of around 11 as such I did not address that because I thought that you were looking for something else. I was simply attempting to share that all too often folks get caught up in the HP number alone missing the other benefits associated with the specific product and or service.

Here is what John aka AccuFab states on his web site

Throttle body installed on a stock GT = 4-5HP
Throttle body installed on a GT in association with other performance mods = 11HP

Takes care


I can Agree with all of Shadowman's post's.

I just installed this TB on my car...

I havent had the chance to dyno it or even drive it yet.. Im sure It will pick
up some power due to the comparison of the Accufab vs. Stock...
Any time you open up an air inlet it is going to make more power..
Regardless if it is blown(air pulled through) or TT (air pushed through).

And besides that it definintly looks Great !!!!



Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Dustin Whipple did not hang it on the end of his blower because it was jewelry.
He said it was a must have for maximum performance. Good enough for me.
Thanks Bill for your patient, (as always) explanations.:biggrin
Aug 25, 2006
Dustin Whipple did not hang it on the end of his blower because it was jewelry.
He said it was a must have for maximum performance. Good enough for me.
Thanks Bill for your patient, (as always) explanations.:biggrin

I feel at time as though I am walking through a mine field with a few of the pins already pulled with folks wondering if I will notice and then quickly and preemptively put them back into place before “BANG”

This is a great Forum supported by a fabulous group. Having shared this I understand one being skeptical because on any given day there is someone, a label on a package, or some commercial promising the moon for little more that a pair of your dirty crusty socks. I have no financial benefit associated with my comments or the support I share of products and services. I have been in the industry a very long time and can usually smell a rat and even on this Forum I have put up the proverbial “watch out” banner at least once. Furthermore I am very picky about how I spend my dollars and yet I will pay well for quality supported by service because long ago I gave up on the idea winning the Lottery; there are no free lunches only (and sadly missed by some) deferred payment plans.

The GT’s have had numerous cool products made available for them and yet no one product is for everyone. For example cool engraved lug nuts……. on the needed scale …huuum….. something less then zero……. but on the want to have scale …… for many …. a 10 + including myself…. or an alternate exhaust …… on the needed scale…… zero…zip..nada… however on the want to have …….. for many 10+ including myself ….. now the same example would hold true for subwoofer relocation for those with the Mac system, the TT systems, the Whipples, smaller pulleys, and the list goes on.

I openly shared that I find many of the claims made in this industry (not just with regards to the GT’s) to be total BS and yet folks (as I have shared) continue to be drawn to the light.

It was because of this that I attempted to add more than one perspective regarding the value of the Accufab throttle body; meaning establishing and or validating value based on more than simply the solicited HP gains. If no one else ever purchased one it would have zero affect on my life because I already have one and frankly I am glad John presented such a piece. I did not purchase it because of the solicited HP gains but rather because I feel that it is a stellar unit extremely well made, looks phenomenal, and in the end will likely allow my gal to be pushed a bit harder easier. Furthermore; the cost of admission for this particular piece is comparatively speaking, modest.

Now having shared this my sweetie would tell you that I rarely drive the gals and yet I create these extreme machines so in all likelihood if she had remained as OEM I would never notice the performance difference but inside it make me smile having twisted and tweaked her using what I consider to be the best of the best in a methodical and enjoyable manner.

It is as I shared in the thread the other evening when I removed the valve covers; as a kid with a cool puzzle I enjoyed the process and find it relaxing. For me it has less to do with the completion and more to do with the process involved.

Takes care

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Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
I feel at time as though I am walking through a mine field with a few of the pins already pulled with folks wondering if I will notice and then quickly and preemptively put them back into place before “BANG”

This is a great Forum supported by a fabulous group. Having shared this I understand one being skeptical because on any given day there is someone, a label on a package, or some commercial promising the moon for little more that a pair of your dirty crusty socks. I have no financial benefit associated with my comments or the support I share of products and services. I have been in the industry a very long time and can usually smell a rat and even on this Forum I have put up the proverbial “watch out” banner at least once. Furthermore I am very picky about how I spend my dollars and yet I will pay well for quality supported by service because long ago I gave up on the idea winning the Lottery; there are no free lunches only (and sadly missed by some) deferred payment plans.

The GT’s have had numerous cool products made available for them and yet no one product is for everyone. For example cool engraved lug nuts……. on the needed scale …huuum….. something less then zero……. but on the want to have scale …… for many …. a 10 + including myself…. or an alternate exhaust …… on the needed scale…… zero…zip..nada… however on the want to have …….. for many 10+ including myself ….. now the same example would hold true for subwoofer relocation for those with the Mac system, the TT systems, the Whipples, smaller pulleys, and the list goes on.

I openly shared that I find many of the claims made in this industry (not just with regards to the GT’s) to be total BS and yet folks (as I have shared) continue to be drawn to the light.

It was because of this that I attempted to add more than one perspective regarding the value of the Accufab throttle body; meaning establishing and or validating value based on more than simply the solicited HP gains. If no one else ever purchased one it would have zero affect on my life because I already have one and frankly I am glad John presented such a piece. I did not purchase it because of the solicited HP gains but rather because I feel that it is a stellar unit extremely well made, looks phenomenal, and in the end will likely allow my gal to be pushed a bit harder easier. Furthermore; the cost of admission for this particular piece is comparatively speaking, modest.

Now having shared this my sweetie would tell you that I rarely drive the gals and yet I create these extreme machines so in all likelihood if she had remained as OEM I would never notice the performance difference but inside it make me smile having twisted and tweaked her using what I consider to be the best of the best in a methodical and enjoyable manner.

It is as I shared in the thread the other evening when I removed the valve covers; as a kid with a cool puzzle I enjoyed the process and find it relaxing. For me it has less to do with the completion and more to do with the process involved.

Takes care



Kirby Vieira

GT Owner/B.o.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
Ditto. I always enjoy reading your posts, Bill.


GT Owner/B.O.D
Mark IV Lifetime
Dec 13, 2005
Sandpoint Id
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup


2006 Twin Turbo
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
When I originally decided to install the Whipple, I passed on the throttle body because of the limited hp gain or any other benefit I could find. As time grew closer to make a decision, I realized that the cosmetic value alone was enough to justify the Accufab. I knew that if I passed on the opportunity to have it installed at the same time as the Whipple, I'd be sick 6 months later because of that ugly stock throttle body contrasting with the new piece of jewelry sitting on top of the motor. It would also be too late to add it since I assume it would not match the tune that had been done with the stock throttle body (I may be wrong there).

But in the overall scheme of things, the extra expense was justified just in the cosmetic department if not the power department. I'm very glad I added it.