Man, you're showing your age. Did Betty Davis slip your mind? :lol
- Ricky Bobby, circa 2006.
...But don't quote me boy cause I aint said sh!t.:biggrin
Man, you're showing your age. Did Betty Davis slip your mind? :lol
It's a huge investment in overhead and manufacturing. It's not as easy as just choosing to use carbon instead of aluminum.
The cool thing about the GT is that as you peel the layers you just discover more jewelry. I've always felt the 05/06 blew away it's contemporaries when you saw it stripped down. 17+ is the same way.
That's beautiful, thanks for sharing. How wear resistant is that clear bra stuff? I have been using 3M propellor tape for edge protection (will stay in place until Mach2, so good enough for me), but can buy it only in about 2 inch wide.
I was an exotic shop a few years ago & they had a Gallardo & an NSX on the rack. The underside of the Acura was beautiful with very cool CNC aluminum & tidy, race car like welds. The Lambo had rough edges with sloppy uneven welds on the underside. Junky!
The NGT looks amazing. Man jewelry for sure!
Current F1 cars (as pictured) pretty much throw mechanical grip and suspension soon geometry out of the window in favor of optimizing aerodynamic downforce.This diagram of a generic F1 car shows airflow management via the keel, undertray and side skirts. All these elements are present on the GT and are firsts for a road car. The GT creates downforce everywhere. Note the A-arm attachment points. Same on the GT.
View attachment 45500
I circled the leading edges of the undertray for clarity.
View attachment 45501
View attachment 45502
.... Performance-wise, McLaren is beating Ferrari car for car. If and when McLaren starts making cars with more personality than a Maytag, Ferrari might be in trouble.
Prediction: 'Bruce' will haunt you tonight. Recant your statement here in writing, or you are surely doomed. :lol
Not too long ago, F1 cars use to have suspension-mounted keels where the lower control arms mounted to the lower part of the keel itself, like the Ford GT.