Thanks for compliment on my GT5S. I know of several Pantera owners who have gravitated to the Ford GT. There are presently two members of the SE Pantera Chapter of POCA who own Ford GTs. One member recently sold both his GT5S and his Ford GT, kept his twin turbo Porsche. Another I believe has sold his Pantera and is now a Ford GT owner and a member of this forum. To the best of my recollection, the only three mid engined cars Fords has produced/sold through their dealers was the original GT 40, the Pantera and the Ford GT. Even the 70 vintage Panteras hold their own, as far as looks are concerned with most modern day Ferarris, Lambos, etc.
Would very much like to see pictures of your Pantera. From the picture in your signature if looks like a beauty. I have been continuously involved with them since 1984. Sold a pre-L in late 2007 that I had turned into an award winning show car. Once you start a new tread and post pictures of yours, I will attempt to post pictures of pre L also, however do notwant to have Bony jump on me because the pictures might have too many pixels. Maybe any members of this forum who presently owns a Pantera or has owned one in the past can add to the collection. Of course, if ok with the Boss.
I am from Phx. If you see Les Gray, pass on my regards, have not seen him since he was POCA president and came down to FL to assist us in forming a chapter. First met him when he worked for Gary Hall in Calif.
Take care,