How much additional cash can this company raise and burn without demonstrating a viable business plan?
My simple thought...
Put down a 200+K deposit an be first in line for the car if it is ever produced and last in line in bankruptcy court if the company fails.
EVs will make great cars for the uninspired masses. There is so much more to the driving experience than acceleration. Tesla must keep hyping this metric because its cars offer nothing else to the driving enthusiast. I've driven them. After the novelty of the acceleration quickly wore off, they were boring as hell. No sound, no vibration, no sense that I was in a machine with the slightest hint of passion. Just like pushing the "start" button on my microwave. Boy howdy, that was fun! Can I push the button again?! Buy hey, I'm not the type of guy who gets a boner when a new Apple product comes out, so perhaps I just don't get it.
Put down a 200+K deposit an be first in line for the car if it is ever produced and last in line in bankruptcy court if the company fails.
I would think most car enthusiasts do.
If the Roadster goes into production, consider what other cars are capable of 250mph and what they cost in comparison. You would be looking at Bugatti or Koenigsegg, neither of which would come close to matching the other Roadster acceleration figures.
Even if you are not interested in owning an electric performance car, and I probably am not, this could drastically change the whole industry. Why would a car company that is focused on all out performance continue to bother with internal combustion engines? If Ford decides to make another GT somewhere down the road, the chances of it being all electric must have just increased sharply.
Right even if my credit limit was high enough I don't think reversing the charges works 2+ years later. But you are welcome to try, just think of all the miles you will get!just put in on your Amex, then your safe
Right even if my credit limit was high enough I don't think reversing the charges works 2+ year later. But you are welcome to try, just think of all the miles you will get!
Innovation and disruption always brings heat, but I believe Tesla will make it. Electric cars are the future, no question about it.
There is tremendous question about it. Saying electric cars are the future right now makes as much sense as saying hydrogen cars are the future. The cars work fine but there isn’t any viable way to fuel them on a large scale. And NOBODY is even proposing a viable solution to that.
Oh, so your car is going to be home during the peak sunlight hours, or you are going to have a bank of batteries at home that cost beaucoup bucks and have a limited lifespan. What happens in the areas where the sunlight isn't as strong and during the raining or snow season? Is the grid going to move the power around to where is is needed?Of course it's not going to happen over night, as solar options get more efficient and cheaper many could power their cars off the grid. I know a few people that have solar arrays the easily cover their daily electric car usage.
As per Tesla, "All Superchargers are being converted to solar/battery power. Over time, almost all will disconnect from the electricity grid."