2017 Ford GT engine air filter


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 22, 2005
I would reach out to them again Ed.

You've got to break through the morons some time. Try and get a sit down with the Gm. The GT is pretty unusual territory for Ford dealers. It won't be very helpful if Ford does not get some qualified " Nice"support staff all across the country.


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Jul 12, 2006
I emailed my concierge & they sent me a list of local delivery dealers (5 of them) & the one servicing dealer. I went to visit the servicing dealer, Future Ford, which is only 20 miles from me but they were rude. They wouldn't let me speak with anyone involved with servicing or delivery of the NGTs. The Internet manager came out to tell me someone would call me. When one of the managers called me a week later he thought I was talking about a Mustang GT. I tried to explain the difference but he didn't believe I was getting a NGT. I'm planning on getting my NGT through Milliken. They will actually fly out to meet me at my house when the car arrives (summer '18). Kevin was super nice & very NGT knowledgeable. DBK & others use Milliken.


Good to know. I have little faith in my local F dealers handling high end things

Ed Sims

GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 7, 2006
I would reach out to them again Ed. You've got to break through the morons some time. Try and get a sit down with the Gm. The GT is pretty unusual territory for Ford dealers...

I may try again.I guess if i drive the NGT to the dealership they will have to believe me that I own one. It will be too hard to ship my NGT for service to Milliken in MI or Galpin in SoCal (but it is in my mind). I always have a hard time trying to spend a lot of time & effort to give someone business/money. It should be the other way around.



Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
May 25, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
The reality is the people getting these cars are few and far between so they probably didn't realize it was for real . I had the same problem the first dealer I talked to. I forwarded them a copy of my original notification email and then they paid attention.. with that said I have a better family owned Ford dealership that decided to become a servicing dealer so I'm going with them period they've been nothing but helpful and very receptive to the new GT


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 28, 2005
Our 05 dealer did not enroll, so we have to go a different direction. I was able to get a name before reaching out to the new dealer (from a friend at Ford). He is the general manager. He was pleasant, and interested to help. I feared the worst if I just called in generically, which is why I waited until I had a specific contact. Their GT "center" has been built, and I hope to go and check it out. I debated going out of market for our dealer, but decided, would be better to have local support, who might be more interested to help if they sold it.
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