190 in a Gallardo? I think not


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
South East MI

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Well, the factory claims 196. :shrug

It sure didn't look like stuff was "going by" fast enough to be doin' 190 in that clip though...


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
They were going fast, but I know high speeds pretty well, which you can vouch for, and the Gallardo has the most optimistic speedo in the world. Any low production car will have speedo variances, but I've never been in anything with such a huge disparity.

We'll definitely hook up the GPS next week in the G.

As for that video? Whatever speed they were going, doing it in traffic isn't a great idea, and there's absolutely no way a G accelerates from 170 to 190 in the roughly 7-8 seconds they indicate in the video. I don't doubt that the speedo said 190 though.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
South East MI
They were going fast, but I know high speeds pretty well, which you can vouch for, and the Gallardo has the most optimistic speedo in the world. Any low production car will have speedo variances, but I've never been in anything with such a huge disparity.

We'll definitely hook up the GPS next week in the G.

As for that video? Whatever speed they were going, doing it in traffic isn't a great idea, and there's absolutely no way a G accelerates from 170 to 190 in the roughly 7-8 seconds they indicate in the video.

That much WOT, i'm sure it was going fast... but it takes x amount of time to do 170-180, and 1 second to do 180-190 ;) The driver is a bit optomistic himself.

And compared to a certain 180 mph run... this video didn't have many of those same tell tale signs of true speed...
Aug 25, 2006
Whether they reached 190 mph or not is of little interest to me after seeing where they were attempting to do so; IMO flat out stupid

Takes care


Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
Whether they reached 190 mph or not is of little interest to me after seeing where they were attempting to do so; IMO flat out stupid

Takes care


Hmmmmmmmm...I do believe someone expressed similiar sentiments in a thread that was subsequently "locked" to preserve the peace... so I 'shant' go there.

But, I will say it's a good thing nobuddy just "outta the blue" decided to change lanes...
Aug 25, 2006
Hmmmmmmmm...I do believe someone expressed similiar sentiments in a thread that was subsequently "locked" to preserve the peace... so I 'shant' go there.

But, I will say it's a good thing nobuddy just "outta the blue" decided to change lanes...

I was not aware of this happening to another thread and yet one has to decide in life whether they support an action through of the process of saying nothing or step up to the plate and take what comes as the result of your opinion.

I clearly stated that it is only my opinion and yet to further my comment I would prefer that he/she not be exercising their gal in that manner around me.

In that situation there was no margin for error; sadly many folks quickly move the lane right of them without even thinking when they see someone coming up quickly behind them.

Well; enough of my rambling.

I enjoy as much as the next very QUICK and FAST gals and the very act of exercising them however I attmept (subjectively speaking I know) to keep the associated risk to myself.

All the best



GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Hmmmmmmmm...I do believe someone expressed similiar sentiments in a thread that was subsequently "locked" to preserve the peace... so I 'shant' go there.

But, I will say it's a good thing nobuddy just "outta the blue" decided to change lanes...

Yes! look at the point when 180-190 was called out, if one of the suvs on the far left decided to move to the middle lane, the only people viewing that video would be the jury in a wrongful death suit!


Mark IV Lifetime
Sep 5, 2005
Fresno, Ca.
Well.... I have to agree with Shadowman.

If you want to run that hard there are places you can do it.

I am done.


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
We're all in agreement. Going that fast in traffic is reckless and potentially deadly.


GT Owner
Nov 2, 2005
SF Bay Area in California
Well.... I have to agree with Shadowman.

If you want to run that hard there are places you can do it.

I am done.

Too bad I don't know of any in my area. Maybe I should take a trip to Fresno?

BTY, Bony you need to take a trip more often so that I may close on the gap between our post counts. Most of my gains during your absents was made up by you early this morning! Don't you have a backlog of real work to do?
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GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Nov 15, 2005
San Clemente, CA USA
Feynman Diagram


So, you show a Feynman Diagram! Are you a physicist?



GT Owner
Apr 22, 2007
calgary, canada

It is accuate, it's kilometers not mph as the title suggests.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
South East MI

So, you show a Feynman Diagram! Are you a physicist?


Out of practice... Did a small share of quantitative astrophysics work for NRAO in West Virginia, as well as some physics studies for the NWS locally. But, my schooling was more in engineering then in physics...

I enjoy reading/listening physics lectures, and quantum theory books... and for some reason, the other day, I was thinking of Feynman diagrams, so I switched to that as a signature... I shouldn't be surprised somebody recognizes it :)

Lately, I have been molding my profession away from technical to business... and my technical mind has gone slightly mushy.

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