I agree completely with Chip. My sarcastic comments about the CIC (referred to and deleted as the "Socialist in Chief") refer to how Ford is still on the hook for their various debts. GM and Chrysler are not. Guys, the playing field is not level for the only team abiding by the rules[/I! If you don't believe me, look at today's article by PAUL INGRASSIA in the WSJ.
He states Ford is... "the only Detroit auto maker to forgo government assistance, at least so far. That's good for the taxpayers and for Ford, right? Well, maybe not. While General Motors and Chrysler will emerge from the government restructuring wringer with significantly reduced debt, Ford will still likely be obliged to repay its lenders. This could put Ford at a competitive disadvantage -- an unfortunate irony for the one Detroit car company that has gotten the decisions mostly right in the last few years."
While the rest of the article is not this bleak (and is fairly encouraging for Ford), the fact remains, GM and Chrysler have a debt advantage, and it's not from their own doing.
The crux of this is, Ford got and kept their house in order, in a very painful climate. Ford is still paying their own bills. GM and Chrysler ran their homes into the ground, but the Gov't is paying off their mortgage.
It ain't right...