If you want to tune into Sebring this Saturday, here are your options in the USA.
The entire race will be streamed live on Fox Sports Go, a streaming service that plays Fox sports channels live. If you have a cable/dish/etc. provider, you can log into FoxSportsGo.com or download the Fox Sports Go app on your cell phone or tablet and log in to watch the full 12 Hours.
If you just want to watch on TV, you tune into the following channels, if you have them:
Fox Sports 1 - 10:30am to 12:00pm
Fox Sports 2 - 12:00pm to 7:00 pm
Fox Sports Go/IMSA.com - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Fox Sports 2 - 10:00pm to 11:00pm
Also, here is the entry list for the race: http://www.imsa.com/sites/default/files/races/entry_lists/2016_WeatherTechChampionship_Sebring_PreliminaryEntryList_UpdatedII.pdf
And this is the Spotter's Guide, a helpful guide to teach you what all of the different cars and classes are: I like to print this off and have it with me while I watch.
The entire race will be streamed live on Fox Sports Go, a streaming service that plays Fox sports channels live. If you have a cable/dish/etc. provider, you can log into FoxSportsGo.com or download the Fox Sports Go app on your cell phone or tablet and log in to watch the full 12 Hours.
If you just want to watch on TV, you tune into the following channels, if you have them:
Fox Sports 1 - 10:30am to 12:00pm
Fox Sports 2 - 12:00pm to 7:00 pm
Fox Sports Go/IMSA.com - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Fox Sports 2 - 10:00pm to 11:00pm
Also, here is the entry list for the race: http://www.imsa.com/sites/default/files/races/entry_lists/2016_WeatherTechChampionship_Sebring_PreliminaryEntryList_UpdatedII.pdf
And this is the Spotter's Guide, a helpful guide to teach you what all of the different cars and classes are: I like to print this off and have it with me while I watch.