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  1. jbyrnes

    Rear Axle Nut Inspection Recommendation

    Thanks for the heads up. Curious what the rough mileage of the two cars are.
  2. jbyrnes

    HOUSTON Coffee and Cars July 6, 2013

    I'm not too familiar with the Houston C&C. Never lived there but have family in Spring and get there a few times a year. Is the C&C at the Vintage near Spring the one you meet up at or is there another closer to downtown?
  3. jbyrnes

    Think twice on the SpeedHut Gauges

    So I hear the Lucas factory closes at 3......So they can get home before dark. (insert rim shot noise here)
  4. jbyrnes

    Carroll Shelby Charity- Carroll Shelby's Childrens Foundation 1991

    I'm with you Tony. Taking still-good parts with you borders on the most selfish thing possible IMO.
  5. jbyrnes

    Speedhut IP & Gauges

    That's a coincidence. I also had a speedo stuck at 40 which gave me the excuse I needed to recently do a Speedhut set. I worked with Jessica at Speedhut to help me replicate the OEM's: not a perfect match but close...
  6. jbyrnes

    My next car

    I'm thinking when I'm ready for my next car I'm going to go with something more practical like this:
  7. jbyrnes

    Tough day in the office

    Mike- just caught your news today too. Glad to hear you're apparently doing better than what could have been. Hope it's all just a memory by summer, you're going to need to stay spry to un-wedge out of that 7/8 scale car of yours. I'll be anxious to see the mods on the GT. Take (better) care. Jim
  8. jbyrnes

    question on build quantities

    Thanks Jeff. I'll PM with info later.
  9. jbyrnes

    Jeff, A response to a post of mine suggested that I contact you. I have a stripeless blue 05'...

    Jeff, A response to a post of mine suggested that I contact you. I have a stripeless blue 05' and I'm wanting to find out how many in 05' were built with the same options as mine. I have the authenticity package but as you know that tells me how many stripeless blue's with red calipers were...
  10. jbyrnes

    question on build quantities

    I'd like to find out how many GT's were built with the same options as mine, but the "Authenticity Certificate package" only lists the quantities of a single option per color and stripe. So for example in my case I see that there were 11 no stripe blue cars in 05' made with red calipers, but of...
  11. jbyrnes

    How to jack up rear (or front) of car without a lift

    I like it. Hard to beat for the money, even if you can only use it on the front end.
  12. jbyrnes

    How to jack up rear (or front) of car without a lift

    Dave, The jack points in the rear are 24.0 in. center to center, the jack points for the front are 34.0 center to center. Even though the span is quite a bit bigger up front the same size tube 3x3 x .25 wall will work fine since there's less weight on the front points.
  13. jbyrnes

    Holy Sh_t Batman!

    One of the best BJ bargains I saw was the restored 70' Boss 302 that went for $57k, the worst (disregarding the Batmobile) was the hot rodded 70' Mach I for $315k. All logic out the window on both of those sales.
  14. jbyrnes

    2013 Ford GT Calendar Submissions!

    I'm good with a 14 month calandar: Feb 2013 - April 2014. To heck with tradition.
  15. jbyrnes

    Stock exhaust out through the top?

    I've had the OEM muffler in and out a couple of times (long story). Not only did I find it necessary to remove the clamshell (really a 3 person job - 2 hands on each side and another hand to pull the hinge pins. You'll find that the shell needs to be almost closed to get the pins out. It's...
  16. jbyrnes

    GT40 & Two Ford GTs

    Well if satisfying your OCD behavior means "another take" up the canyon I guess that's a sacrifce that we'll have to make. Sounds like we'll have to wait about more 5 months for the chance, but I'm a patient person and the canyon will still be there. Dang it's going to be a loooong Winter.
  17. jbyrnes

    GT40 & Two Ford GTs

    Now THAT'S why we own these things - using them as God had intended. I think had I had a camera on my car 200 yards back the sound of those open pipes on your GT-40 would have still drowned out my car. Great memories, great video!
  18. jbyrnes

    The G.T. Forum "GANG" makes a showing in NOLA

    Scary. Truly scary. I don't think I'm going next year unless there's promise of booth babes.
  19. jbyrnes

    Quiescent current draw

    That's great info. Do you know how many mA the factory trickle charger is good for?
  20. jbyrnes

    Got a FGT TODAY!!!

    Finding the right gear is actually pretty simple once you remember one thing. Of the 3 vertical gates (1-2, 3-4, 5-6), the shifter will naturally detent to the middle of the 3-4 gate when it's pulled between any of those pairs of gears and released or relaxed. Then once you're "home" its easy to...