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  1. jbyrnes

    Need a Transport for GT; Alabama to Colorado

    Sounds like both passes will be getting snow on Friday so will have to keep options open till then. I'll be in touch.
  2. jbyrnes

    Need a Transport for GT; Alabama to Colorado

    Glad to hear your family's all together again Steve! Stop on by soon - I'm anxious to see it.
  3. jbyrnes

    Congratulations shelbyelite!

    Kids add another dimension to life - enjoy the ride! Happy to hear your news!
  4. jbyrnes

    My wife catches me...

    We are all very sick, but I'm ok with that. I'm a little surprised that there's not a wivesofGTforum forum where they can commiserate about us.
  5. jbyrnes

    Elite Auto LLC Changes Business model

    This is great news! I just emailed the local retirement homes with the Elite Autos press release. I'm sure Mr. Smith will be happy to move them into some old Buicks or minvans.
  6. jbyrnes

    Forum members opinions requested

    I usually like the integrated look of wheel accent colors matching the body. This combo works exceptionally well in my opinion - very classy. I've always been partial to that blue though too.
  7. jbyrnes

    didn't see this one coming...

    Thanks Ralphie. I may just have to do that. With the way this Winter's been there'll be junk on the roads till June, and there'll be junk on the canyon roads all summer from the floods. A couple of years ago it snowed in May here (and I'm not in the mountains) and this year is shaping up to be...
  8. jbyrnes

    didn't see this one coming...

    No concern there Tony. Out of garage space, and car funds. Gonna have to sell one of the driver cars just to keep them supplied with working gages! :biggrin
  9. jbyrnes

    didn't see this one coming...

    So it was new years day that my wife and I found ourselves arguing over whether to get a second GT. What’s odd is that she was the one wanting to get it, and I was the one trying to be logical and conservative. But as usual, she got her way (I may have caved in quicker than normal). So with the...
  10. jbyrnes

    Oh great, another gauge failure.

    Years ago I built up my 68 GT-350 with a heavily modified 69' BOSS 302 motor. To protect my investment I wired the ignition through the oil pressure idiot light sensor which activates at about 5 psi so if I lost oil pressure the motor would quit. Worked great, but had the added hassle of needing...
  11. jbyrnes

    Exploding battery

    I thought all original batteries were red top? My 05' MSO dealer car had a red top. It was bad though from sitting too much and in 06' the Ford dealer replaced it with a warranty black top Optima so I though that red meant original and black meant replacement???
  12. jbyrnes

    Trouble in the Garage (Visit from Mickey)

    Last spring I heard what sounded like a couple of mice wrestling somewhere in the belly pan of the GT. My wife and I tried to pinpoint the noise and could only narrow it down to somewhere in the center pan by the gas tank. Whatever it was I figured they were in there chewing on the wire...
  13. jbyrnes

    Rally 9

    Since I live in the Boulder area I'll put in my chamber of commerce spiel for Colorado. Yes, all of the great canyon roads from Boulder to Fort Collins were hit hard in September but they plan on having them restored by summer, plus there's so many other good options deeper in the mountains and...
  14. jbyrnes

    Ford instruments fix?

    Makes we wonder that if they're coming direct from Autometer then they have the option (or requirement from Ford?) for making an artwork change on the face, like putting their logo somewhere, etc. to distinguish them as non-OEM. I hope for all of us concours-correct types that they can keep the...
  15. jbyrnes

    Last drive 2013

    Unfortunately guys I won't make a Tuesday lunch. I can walk to Busaba from home but it's a 20 minute drive from work. But Fenzo, if the roads are OK this weekend I'll be getting out for a short loop. Sounds like I'm just minutes from you. PM me if you'll be around.
  16. jbyrnes

    Last drive 2013

    I would hope to think that if you lapse your renewal until next spring when the roads are better, you should get a by on the late fee if you show them your address. But this being Boulder county maybe not. My emission experience over the years has been that you're better going to the Broomfield...
  17. jbyrnes

    Ford instruments fix?

    After looking closely at the OEM's and Speedhuts both inside and out there's no question that the OEM's are a much higher build quality, worth a higher price even disregarding the OEM heritage. That being said, would you rather wear a dead Rolex or a Timex that works?
  18. jbyrnes

    Last drive 2013

    Thanks for the videos. That was a fun way to salvage a perfect fall day without the canyons open. I hope they don't time stamp the tolls to calculate average speed, but haven't seen anything in the mail yet (I'd be surprised if your plate shows up at the camera tolls). Let's hope for fresh...
  19. jbyrnes

    Very Sad News - Craig Andreiko "andreikoc" has passed away

    I hadn't spoken to Craig but some PM's a few months back. You just never know. My sympathies to his family and friends. I hope someone here can forward the link to this thread for the GT Forum condolences to his family. Carpe Diem!
  20. jbyrnes

    Ford GT Dealer Highlights DVD

    I second the motion for a meet in Vegas. I've talked with Rick on the phone about my car that he and Chuck Beck built (the Shogun Festiva) but I've been looking for an opportunity to meet him. Suppose he'll be at the Ford pavillion at SEMA?