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  1. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Hmmm that easy eh, dang. I must find out then why my mechanic has me waiting around for his hoist to be free mid next week to get my existing unit off? He was going on about access to belt from underneath? :confused I'd have like to have had my existing unit already boxed up and sent back to be...
  2. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Yahooo! and now so it begins. Now how to get out my 3.4l and into the 4l cost effectively!
  3. OzGT

    Competion Belt Bar DONE and available

    jeez jump to conclusions why don't you both! Where did i ever say I was talking specifically about the safety of this product?? If you read my polite response to cobrar's well thought out reply to my original question you'd realise the post came from showing this thread to my buddy who's a pro...
  4. OzGT

    Competion Belt Bar DONE and available

    Excellent post. My query actually came from showing the thread to my friend who's pro driver. I though he was right on the money given a lot of the stuff we do with our cars is customising and cosmetic, but safety gear must first and foremost be just that, safe.:thumbsup
  5. OzGT

    Competion Belt Bar DONE and available

    This is a nice looking piece. One issue that does arise and I'd say is very relevant when talking about a piece of safety equipment is, whilst aesthetics are one thing I have not seen a single mention as yet of its satisfactory completion of rigorous testing to ensure it does hold up. I don't...
  6. OzGT

    Kips carbon fiber rear window surround

    Tell me about it. I've had to stage my order with Kip to break it down to a manageable cost over a couple of months! I can't wait to see it all on the car though :biggrin
  7. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    It's not quite next week yet...I'm as anxious as you though :thumbsup
  8. OzGT

    high octane fuels

    I used to be a fan of the NOS racing and used it a lot in my '03 Cobra but it I kept getting plug fouling, which I now believe is a side effect of the MMT in it(what my tuner reckons). It was made worse in periods where the car was in different places like paintshops and detailers as the idiots...
  9. OzGT

    high octane fuels

    +1 Exactly what I did. Had to work with the octane levels available and whatever my tuner was comfortable to get out of it tuning-wise.
  10. OzGT

    high octane fuels

    Man I wish we could get something like that here on the pump. My tune would be so much sweeter, than it's current 92-ish level. I've always found one of the great side benefits of high octane pump is shelf life. I prove it time and time again with our 95 here and my bikes and offroad stuff @...
  11. OzGT

    4.0 liter Whipple ????

    Indeed, time marches on....Inquiring minds want to know!
  12. OzGT

    The NEW GT Key! All in one Key and Remote fob.

    Saves me buying 2 of the new ones, I reckon!
  13. OzGT

    Ford GT VS. Nissan GT-R (WebRidesTV)

    The link to this vid was posted here last year. Good clip.
  14. OzGT

    The NEW GT Key! All in one Key and Remote fob.

    Oh shoot, there goes my plastic $295 key-for-d-GT, D'oh. This is waaaay nicer and to add insult to injury only $99 and also from Andrew!! I'm ordering right now! At this rate we're never going to run out of mods and upgrades for our GTs, not like I'm complaining though:biggrin
  15. OzGT

    Is the 'NEW' Whipple ever going to happen

    +1. The first gen 3 talk I saw was back in late Nov.
  16. OzGT

    Bumper delete & exhaust options

    I like the CDC kit personally, seems to look slightly more factory IMHO. It's on my to do list in the next few months. Probably do it along with the external CF parts I get from Kip.
  17. OzGT

    Got my GT......feels soft...susp mods??

    Nope. Had shocks first, then bought wheels some months later.
  18. OzGT

    Got my GT......feels soft...susp mods??

    Dealmaker, hit the tech section and do a search, there's more than enough suspension talk there, especially on the Penskes. I have the 2-ways in mine along with HRE 20/19 with PS2s and the car is superb, everything I want.
  19. OzGT

    Rearview camera + nav

    Now that would be most interesting interesting indeed. Talk about teching up the GT. A DD nav/BT/camera/etc unit would be very cool indeed. Will keep an eye out for kips efforts there. Mind you I still have to digest the next set of CF parts he's got on the way to me soon (yikes!).