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  1. AlohaGT

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More

    Valentino Balboni, recently retired chief test driver for Lamborghini, was exceedingly generous with endless stories of his 40 years with the company
  2. AlohaGT

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More

    However, some of the Ferraris including the Dino rests on marble.
  3. AlohaGT

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More

    While most of the cars resided on carpet including the F50, 512 BBi, Countach & Bentley...
  4. AlohaGT

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More

    The porte cochere accommodated many of us but quite a few of the other cars were relegated to the side yard.
  5. AlohaGT

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More

    Hawaiian Sunday with Maserati MC12, Ferrari F50, Dino, FGT, Valentino Balboni & More A few of us went on a Sunday morning drive including the requisite Ferrari Scuderias, Challenge Stradales, Californias, Lambos, Porsche GT3s, Astons, Panteras and more. Lunch was at our friend's house whose...
  6. AlohaGT

    Another Heffner TT Heritage Comes to Life!

    Thank you all for the congrats! Needless to say, I'm excited to see the twins in a couple days. Ryan & Kendall gave birth to them over the weekend in the Cool Tech sanatorium and they were immediately brisked off to calibrate all vitals at the dyno dispensary. As life got in the way last year...
  7. AlohaGT

    VIR Requirements

    Please forgive me if this is posted and I've missed it. I've been on the VIR site and have scanned several of these threads. What are the requirements to track at VIR? Does VIR have helmets for rent or sale?
  8. AlohaGT

    Transportation To Rally From CA

    Ed, yes, I do know them. And thank you, Kendall & Shadowman for getting me on the transport.
  9. AlohaGT

    Chip Beck Pre-Rally V dinner on Tues. night, Sep. 28

    Hi Chip, can you take 2 more - Kelvin & Shelley?
  10. AlohaGT

    Transportation To Rally From CA

    Hi Ed, we'd enjoy hooking up with you and your wife. I finally registered for Rally V and made hotel res for 9.27 - 10.3. Kendall & Ryan are installing a couple hairdryers along with some of the latest goodies I've missed out on over the past year. Many thanks for making all of the...
  11. AlohaGT

    FGT Rally V - Registration!

    Mrs & I are now finally registered and staying there for the entire week through the weekend. We're really looking forward to it after missing Rally IV. Also, stoked to give the new TT a go on the track along with a few other goodies. Cheers and see you all in Virginia!
  12. AlohaGT

    Heffner Performance & Cool Tech LLC

    Kendall, congrats on your first TT install! And to you, too, Apollo. I just signed up for Rally V so can you put me down for a massive amount of work in mid-September? It'll be two years since you've last had your hands on my gal (doesn't sound quite right) and she not only needs some massive...
  13. AlohaGT

    Transportation To Rally From CA

    Ed, this sounds great. Please count me in. Are you still planning on the FGTs to be on the ground 9.25 - 10.2? This will determine the dates for the hotel booking. What would be approximate pick up date in L.A.? I can then plan my long overdue work to be done by Kendall.
  14. AlohaGT

    Rally 5 - V.I.R - Who's coming?

    Having been MIA for about a year, I received an email recently from HiloDave advising me about Rally V and VIR. Please count the Missus & me in. Hopefully, I won't pay for everything and not be able to make it like last year. In any event, I donated to a worthy DBK cause.
  15. AlohaGT

    Wanted: Used Whipple

    I will if the 4.0 is proven to be a significant improvement.
  16. AlohaGT

    Coil Covers

    Hey what about me, what about me?! :confused
  17. AlohaGT

    Motor Trend Forum On The Ford Gt

    I'm impressed that our FGT soundly trounced the '09 430 in this informal poll. :banana
  18. AlohaGT

    Hot Buttons

    Chewing gum.
  19. AlohaGT

    Ford GT40 in backyard

    Kayvan, great story - 30 years and had never popped in, and a terrific find.