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  1. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee March 8/Irvine

    Count me in:thumbsup
  2. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee T Shirts

    DBK & Bony, I got an initial design from the C&C guys. l will email to Dave. DBK please pass on Bony for me.
  3. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee T Shirts

    I just talked to Josh and he will check into a better quality T shirt. I'll email Caleb and some design ideas.
  4. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee T Shirts

    Bony, What different designs have you guys discussed so far? I heard that there was something on the front as well? I will call Caleb and get the ball rolling. If you can get me a count and sizes that would help! Thanks, Jim
  5. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee

    I know Caleb and the rest of the guys that started the C&C forum. They are very youg but great car guys. I have been part of their forum for almost a year. Not much traffic on it (I think it is because of instead of .com). But it is a great way to track the schedule of what is...
  6. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee T Shirts

    I know Caleb and the rest of the guys @ C& I think I'm the only one of us on their forum. Let me know if you need me to do some running around to get this done (I would suggest getting a better quality shirt than the ones they use).
  7. jsalomon

    Cars & Coffee this Saturday - Feb 16th

    I haven't been to C&C for several months. First time I joined in for breakfast after. It was great meeting other Forum buddies in person, all great people! Can't wait till next week. Let's do it again guys (maybe double the amount of FGTs this time)!
  8. jsalomon

    GT500 Super Snake

    Verts are only upgradable to the 600hp version. Sorry! Something about frame strength?
  9. jsalomon

    GT500 Super Snake

    Mine is an 08 coupe and my number is 122. I was told it would be done around mid summer. They said that they will be converting 07 and 08's together and not in order. I was on the Birthday run from the Peterson to Vegas and Patric Dempsey (McDreamy) got to drive the only on street SS. He...
  10. jsalomon

    Shelby's 85th B-Day What a Blast!

    Wish you were there as well Bony....You would have had a lot more avitars to display. Especially from the last night's cocktail party at the Wynn:wink
  11. jsalomon

    Shelby's 85th B-Day What a Blast!

    I just got back from Shelby's 85th Birhday celebration and what a blast! About 100 cars (mostly newer GT500s) met at the Peterson in LA and the Bull Run people organized the run to the Wynn in Las Vegas. We had a helicopter camera crew following us the entire trip. Sometimes hovering only 50...
  12. jsalomon

    Front License Plate Mount

    Rich, I'll take your last one if you still have it. Just saw this post! Let me know, Thanks Jim
  13. jsalomon

    Happy B-Day DBK !!!

    Hey Dave, your B-Day is close to Shelby's......We will have to have a birthday toast (on me of course) at the 85th in Vegas in a couple of weeks:cheers
  14. jsalomon

    I think I ordered IT!!!!

    Tim, I ordered a coupe from my dealer here in the O.C. for $2,500 over MSRP. I got the car the way I wanted and now I am on the Super Snake wait list. It should be converted around summer time. If you are really interested in a KR, Dave is right. The dealers are going to ask crazy $$$ for...
  15. jsalomon

    I crashed!

    Maybe I miss heard, but I was told that Saleen in Irvine no longer does any production and has only a few people left doing mods on mustangs only? All building and repairs now takes place in Troy. I also heard that they are trying to sub lease that building that is owed by the Irvine...
  16. jsalomon

    Cars and Coffee tomorrow am

    Oh come on, you know most people in the O.C. pay cash:rofl
  17. jsalomon

    Cars and Coffee tomorrow am

    Look at it this way, with all the money you save not buying all those extra warm clothes, heating bills, fire wood, snow shovels, ice scrapers and the road salt damage to your car, you'd be able to pay for something pretty nice:wink Besides, prices of homes are falling faster than some of those...
  18. jsalomon

    Cars and Coffee tomorrow am

    Hey, I'll tell you what I've been telling DBK for a while now....move to So.Cal.:thumbsup I moved from New York and have never looked back. Now I go to the garage and do more than just smile:wink
  19. jsalomon

    Cars and Coffee tomorrow am

    Sorry George.....It's too cold out!!!!!! Us Southern California guys have a rule, when it gets below 65 degrees we only go out in cars that have heated seats. How about you guys back east?:biggrin
  20. jsalomon

    Carbon Fiber exhaust surround wanted

    Thanks for the link! Put me down for one!