Search results

  1. Jones

    Some people...

    Was informed the speed limit was not exceeded.
  2. Jones


    Doesn't sound like fun. If you want to thaw-out come back the OC! I found a road around Angeles Crest you may have yet to break in.
  3. Jones

    Some people...

    That is rubber in a gaseous state.
  4. Jones

    Some people...

    Found this pic from Saturday's Cars and Coffee event. Some people huh?
  5. Jones


    BBQ going. Kids playing in backyard. About 80F today. Guess the SoCal BS is worth it. I have never been in single digit temps before, what's it feels like?
  6. Jones

    Rally II footage...

    Came across this, it seems to be Rally II at Cars and Coffee...
  7. Jones

    New Guys Looking.... message .....

    Had the Lambo, had a Grand National Roadster show 1st place winner. The best car I've ever had has been the Ford GT, the Viper I had follows close though. Jonesy
  8. Jones

    Fast and The Furious 4 Movie Car Casting Call

    If they'd let me drive my car in the movie, I'd do it for free...
  9. Jones

    Help on Viper Top

    Try a post on
  10. Jones

    Loving wife selling GT

    Can everyone please make a mental note that if something happens to me and my wife puts the car up on eBay before I get out of the hospital, please call eBay and let them know it's a hoax.
  11. Jones

    How much boost can our engines handle...SAFELY?

    So a stock engine is good for approx 60,000 1/4 mile runs?
  12. Jones

    Wayne Dalton i-drive garage door opener?

    I have had the wayne-dalton on 2 doors for 4 years now with no issues.
  13. Jones

    Screen Wallpaper Images

    That is a fantastic link...thank you! Ron
  14. Jones

    Rally III News - Who's Coming?

    I am in too.
  15. Jones

    Well men......she's gone!

    Congrats Steve! Maybe Arby's will take you back?
  16. Jones

    Hose support SS springs

    Now you can make that tee-time, in time, for sure.
  17. Jones

    WOW High E-bay bids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You guys have to come to terms that white/blue are faster and are more valuable.
  18. Jones

    Rap GT video

    You guys all just aged yourself. That song was hot in the 80's.
  19. Jones

    Ford stuff available from Ford

    Tomy, I would have thought you being a dealer for 20+ years you get everything and anything available...maybe even some stealth Ford goodies? Ron
  20. Jones

    Ford stuff available from Ford

    Thanks for the info, ordered it today...