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  • Dave,

    Please change my status to owner.

    My VIN is 1FAFP90S05Y400909


    Thank you in advance.


    I recently sold my GT. You may want to change my status, but I would love to stay part of the forum.


    Larry Boatner
    Hello Dave
    Wow its been awhile (LeMans) hope everything is going well. Anyhow I am now getting ready here to register for Rally 6. I am on a somewhat tight schedule at the end of August and early September and I am wondering about the event schedule you have planned. I am thinking of getting there on the 23rd, and will have to probably (for the time being) leave on the 26th. However I really do not want to miss any of the activity's. Could you give me some insight on the event schedule. Thank you very much.


    Can you please change me to owner status my 2006 vin. is #1025
    Thanks Jay
    Hi Dave
    It looks like ford has started to change the rules on people buying new cars for export.my deal I was working on requires me to have it registered in california to someone with a california address and pay sales tax before I can export it. would your man have this same problem selling to me as well
    Thanks for your help

    The text, etc. in the Forum threads on this web site all of a sudden are "center justified" instead of "left Justified". All other web sites are still left justified. How can I change it back to left justified? I don't like reading center justified.

    Thanks, Jer

    Can you please register my GT? Thanks. Dan Kalinski (DanielJ) 05Black/Silver, 4 Options, 401034.
    Recently purchased a Ford Gt, have paid my membership. Not sure what else I may need to upgrade to GT owner. Pls let me know. Thanks for having the forum it was extremly helpful in my purchase.

    I think that calendar is a lot of work for you. If I could be of any help, like the mailing process or whatever, you are welcome to call me at 330 565 1029 or PM me. Thanks again for this wonderful forum. I live in Warren, Ohio, three hour drive.

    shelby suggested that i contact you about an idea i have. i would like to compile, from the forum comments, a helpful hints booklet/book for new gt owners. it would be small enough that it could easily be carried in each car and the pages would be laminated. any thoughts on something like this.
    as a spectator i am impressed with the vast knowledge about these cars that is availaible on the forum. within the next 30 days i will be acquiring a couple of gt's and move up to owner and not spectator. your thoughts and suggestions are apprediated.

    bill jonees
    I hate to let FGT stuff go but I want to be able to pay off the pastic from my Europeon trip.
    When I get back from the Ring. That be great if you could put that post up as I rather try to keep this stuff in the family.
    As some are true one of a kind and FGT History.
    I had heard talk of a FGT Museum years ago on the Forum. Did that ever happen?
    As I could make a FGT artafact donation.
    thanks again & see you soon
    Dave: Appreciate your efforts. Count may be off by 1. jaxtgt listed twice. Over 60 GT's, WOW. Looking forward to seeing that.
    Just a note to provide VIN detail etc of my car.
    Its an 05 Red GT and VIN ends #0107.
    Funny but log book says its white and has 5 seats??
    Must have forgoten to hook up the 3 wheeled trailer that sits behind!!
    Thanks for upgrading me to owner by the way.
    Tony H
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