You all be relieved to know that Madoff won't have to be in jail like other criminals while awaiting trial.
I think Oprah being the wealthiest woman in show business is an equally large crime :lol
So the U.S. attorney let him stay at home. :bs
I hope when I finally go down they put me up somewhere just as nice. :cheers
This guy KNOWS how to keep a huge Ponzi scheme going for years. Forget jail, we need a man with this skill. Put him in charge of Social Security!!!!
Chip, he is a small time player. The Federal Gov. has kept a much larger ponzi scheme going for decades without any end in sight!
Social Security and Medicare have promised $37 trillion more in benefits to senior and disabled workers than the programs will be able to pay, according to a new report...
Always have more than one account. As O*a*a says, it is a good thing to spread the wealth around.
First I'd have to scrape enough together to JUSTIFY having multiple accounts... :bored :willy :frown