Shadowman tuned my Whipple to perfection! 743rwhp

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
:banana I am very happy with my setup. Whipple is working and my tune from Bill is awesome! 743rwhp and 743rwt:cheers on 91 pump


GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Feb 28, 2006
Great numbers!

What size pulley? Other supporting mods? Exhaust, K&N?

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
3.25 21psi pulley, Heffner cat back, K&Ns,SCT custom tune, Accufab throttle body,air inlet support,Diablo and I think that is it....


Aug 25, 2006
:banana I am very happy with my setup. Whipple is working and my tune from Bill is awesome! 743rwhp and 743rwt:cheers on 91 pump

Thank you for the kind words however I need to quickly share that IMO the tuning of these gals is best accomplished when a team comes together. It was my pleasure working with you and Chris.

In this case the data as shared and the resulting tunes come as the result of my working exhaustively with TonY G aka HP performance and Torrie aka Unleashed Tuning.

I have found over the years that developing a strong alliance with others in the tuning industry results in the highest quality tune because it is through the process of sharing data as collected through the process of trial and error as well as the reviewing the associated collected data that a strong and comprehensive data base is created.

So again I say thank you but in doing so I also want to convey that behind the scenes these folks were part of the process.

Takes care

Aug 25, 2006


All the best



GT Owner
Jan 31, 2007
very nice

congratulations. got traction?

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
You have to roll on the throttle in first. But I can go to full throttle once rolling. She hooks well on my stock Goodyears.


Ford Gt Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Aug 8, 2007
told you so!:biggrin congrats your going to be very happy with this setup..... for about two weeks:biggrin



All the best


Hey Bill, is this a similar tune to what you and I spoke about?
Aug 25, 2006
Hey Bill, is this a similar tune to what you and I spoke about?


Takes care



GT Owner/Vendor
Mark IV Lifetime
Apr 24, 2006
St Augustine, Florida
told you so!:biggrin congrats your going to be very happy with this setup..... for about two weeks:biggrin

Instigator !!!!

Bottom Line Kenric enjoy it for all of us :cheers

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
Soroush, Yes you told me so! And I am glad you did love it! Do you have a little more vibration when just idling with the Whipple? She fills like there is just a little more vibration than stock at idle. No big deal just curious. Also what do I need to listen for as far as detonation is concerned? Want to be safe with my baby!


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
3.25 21psi pulley, Heffner cat back, K&Ns,SCT custom tune, Accufab throttle body,air inlet support,Diablo and I think that is it....
You have to roll on the throttle in first. But I can go to full throttle once rolling. She hooks well on my stock Goodyears.

Nice result. I got told 21psi would be pushing it too much for a 91 setup both from supplier and tuner. Ironically, I am running on a min of 93 anyway with 19psi.

I'm somewhat surprise you are getting that good a tractability on the Goodyear's, when my car was setup recent I found the Goodyear's wear pretty useless if even if you are rolling for quite a while before giving it full throttle. It wasn't till I changed to the Pzero Corsas that I gained any real traction.

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
It is Hot here and i think that helps with traction. On a cool day say 40 or 60 degrees I will have big traction issues. More power less heat soak and coolier road temps will equal no traction. I will just have to back peddle on the gas. But for now it is balls to the walls foot on the floor. Once on the move of course. Whipple and a few others said that the 21 would be safe on pump with the right tune.


GT Owner
Jan 31, 2007
Nice result. I got told 21psi would be pushing it too much for a 91 setup both from supplier and tuner. Ironically, I am running on a min of 93 anyway with 19psi.

I'm somewhat surprise you are getting that good a tractability on the Goodyear's, when my car was setup recent I found the Goodyear's wear pretty useless if even if you are rolling for quite a while before giving it full throttle. It wasn't till I changed to the Pzero Corsas that I gained any real traction.

Im not 100% sure but I think blactgt lives in an area with a good amount of elevation. A 21psi pulley would probably be too much for 93 ocatane near sea level.


GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
Im not 100% sure but I think blactgt lives in an area with a good amount of elevation. A 21psi pulley would probably be too much for 93 ocatane near sea level.

I see. That could explain a quite a lot in itself. Would be good to confirm that as I was starting to go down the road of looking into moving up to 21psi after reading this thread.
Aug 25, 2006
Yes he lives at near a mile high.

We discussed pulley options and the 21 PSI (at sea level) pulley was selected producing a net boost (as I recall) at his elevation of 17-18 PSI.

This is the only reason that it can be accomplished on 91 octane fuel. 21 PSI at sea level will not work on 91 octane fuel.

Furthermore he is fully aware that when he comes down the mountain to Las Vegas for the Rally he will have to either detune her or keep his foot out of her.

Takes care



GT Owner
Aug 21, 2006
South of Sydney, AUS
Yes he lives at near a mile high.

We discussed pulley options and the 21 PSI (at sea level) pulley was selected producing a net boost (as I recall) at his elevation of 17-18 PSI.

This is the only reason that it can be accomplished on 91 octane fuel. 21 PSI at sea level will not work on 91 octane fuel.

Furthermore he is fully aware that when he comes down the mountain to Las Vegas for the Rally he will have to either detune her or keep his foot out of her.

Takes care


Ok right... totally understand the equation there. I won't start looking into going to 21psi in my setup. I was thinking the RWHP output seemed very similar to a 19psi setup in the first place. :cheers

Black GT

GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jan 2, 2006
Bill is right on. We loose 4psi up here at a mile high. I need to get a Vegas tune from you Bill! Either that or get some 93 or 100 octane in Vegas.