I couldn't agree more and my intention wasn't racially motivated. :frown I truly don't know what color these people are or care. I'm just sick and tired of people thinking male WASP's are the root to all their problems, or bleeding hearts not understanding some people are just bad ...period...and it's nobodies else fault.
IMOP some people need to have a reason or a scapgoat as to why their lives suck, it makes them feel better. I just get a little touchy after working 14hr days, not sleeping at night, paying over half of what I make in taxes, using almost none of the services they are being collected for (police, trama centers, financial aid etc.) then being blamed for most of their problems or being vilfied for working hard and trying to get ahead. ...I guess I need to turn off NPR.:bored
This was the reason for my sarcastic post about sicking some high price psychiatrist on them to find out what makes them tick. IMO you hang'um and hang'um high no mater what color they are.