Whipple for the win


GT Owner
Dec 17, 2011
We have many racers back home that race both at the track and a safe marked off street location. There has been a race built low 10 sec evo running slicks and race gas owning the local street location. Over the years I have always been the person to beat both at the track and the street. The word is out that I have a fast GT and these AWD cars will not race at the track for money because they can run the same time on the street. I was running my DRs and I have the launch down with them. We race to 1200 ft . I raised the rev limiter to 7300 so that I would not hit limiter. I shift at 7000k. First gear he pulled a car but I had zero wheel spin and a perfect launch. When I hit 2nd I was at his rear door slowly gaining. Because I was making a move I stayed in it. I could see the finish line and we were side by side them I miss judged the 2nd to 3 shift and just bounced of the limiter at 106 mph. I was like shit this is going to be close. I hit 3rd and pulled a car for the win. They were pissed they lost pride and cash. Good to leave the scene a winner again. They had a very good video crew at the scene with go pros on both cars so I am sure the video will be out soon. I will keep you posted on the video

ViVa gt

GT Owner
Sep 15, 2010
toronto canada
awesome. cant wait to see it.


Ford GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 4, 2007
Niceville FL
Congratulations on your win. I've been wondering about this question since I bought my car in 2007. Is the FGT designed for drag racing or road course racing? Isn't drag racing harder on the FGT independent suspension than driving on a road race course?


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
May 16, 2013
Frankfurt Area, Germany
nothing more to say. Keep em coming.

Empty Pockets

ex-GT Owner
Mark IV Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Oct 18, 2006
Washington State
I've been wondering about this question since I bought my car in 2007. Is the FGT designed for drag racing or road course racing? Isn't drag racing harder on the FGT independent suspension than driving on a road race course?

It was designed for 'road racing'. 'Gearing is totally wrong for optimum drag racing as is the suspension. 'Clutch design 'not "the best" for drag racing either.


GT Owner
Dec 17, 2011
It was designed for 'road racing'. 'Gearing is totally wrong for optimum drag racing as is the suspension. 'Clutch design 'not "the best" for drag racing either.

That's what I told the AWD Evo on race gas/ drag ready /gutted/and not street legal car :tongue . I think the GT just got some more respect as a drag car. The video is still being edited. I forgot this race was me on 93 pump gas vs him on race gas Thanks Torrie your tune rocks . I did make a few minor changes but you did the hard work for sure. BTW the suspension stock actually has good weight transfer and with all the weight over the rear and ET DR's on the back, traction was not the issue. I did a weeks worth of recon work watching his other races and looking at videos where the races started and finished. All I had to do was just stop watch his times and Vbox the distance to see if I had a chance before the race even went down. I knew It was going to as close as on .3 tenths at the end after I did some vbos testing at the race spot earlier in the day. I will get the times out after looking at the logs.
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GT Owner
Apr 4, 2006
You did us proud! Studly!! Congrats. Looking forward to the vid. What psi or pulley size do you have on your Whipple?


GT Owner
Dec 17, 2011
I just looked at my data logger and 0 -60 was 2.92 sec and 0-100 was 6.2 sec on a non prepped street with a very small clean off the tire burnout before the hit. For a comparison the AWD Bugatti ripped through the gears to hit 60mph in 2.8sec and 100mph in an astonishing 5.5sec.


GT Owner
Aug 29, 2006
What is your car making at the tire


GT Owner
Dec 17, 2011
What is your car making at the tire

Dyno's are good for A/F numbers are to see if changes you made net you more hp in the same day. I have been to 3 different dyno,s and each one read as much as 80hp different from another one. I am not a Dyno queen because when i dragged raced MPH and ET was a better real world gauge. So to answer your question lower then i thought but faster then i thought also. PLus enough to get down. When i do a 1/4 pass i will figure it out. There is way more then HP numbers when it comes to racing. peek HP is not as good as avg HP thru the whole usable RPM band.