I am just a little unimportant member of your forum, yet as well a owner of a real 2005 then new, 101-series for europe, Ford GT.
Very astonishing seems to me the fact, that whenever in United Kingdom or the rest of europe, such a GT40 streetversion car comes up for sale, how crazy/unbelievable the circumstances/history of the vehicle might be, on a such seldom occasion the "VIN" number today, i know that this was implemented much later, or at 1950 - times (when i was born) the body shell number plus remarks, as "matching numbers" for such a vintage car is a must in case it is for sale, my father new car/vintage dealer since 1955, told me.
For example, i had for 12 years a very late production car of the vintage Porsche 911 RS 2,7 liter, made in June 1973 in the Porsche Stuttgart works.
It was the 16th latest made in "TOURING SPECS.", it had an electric sunroof, it was brightgreen in german called "lindgrün", only 11 cars of all the 911 RS in lightweight version or touring version were made in this lindgrün in the whole production run.
Unfortunately someone in the row of owners, before i got my hands on it, took the orig. engine out (with 210 HP), instead of it the owner at that time installed a 2 sparkplug per cylinder 2,8 liter engine (267 HP ).
When i finally sold it to a dentist - with a collection of already 17 "RS"-es - he discovered some days after the purchase, that in one of his cars he did buy long before he did know of the existence of the one i had, the missing factory installed engine of my 16th last prod.car .
All these detail you have to mention in europe, with matching numbers when you can proof it, or "not orig. engine/gearbox", etc. etc. but without body shell/production number as P . . . . (or whatever Ford put on the plate riveted to the bodywork) the vehicle would become unsellable for over 3 Millions of Dollars, and no advertising at all would be printed in such a manner, here.
sorry for the long story to explain my opinion/point !