I've got a 99 RT/10 with a Paxton s/c that I had installed several years ago with around 4000 miles on it now. It has delivered impressive performance since the installation.....untill this spring. I took it out for the first drive of the year and after the proper warmup, got on it. It felt a bit sluggish but I thought maybe I was just imagining it as I had just been in the FGT. Over the next few days it became apparent that when "warm" the car performed normally but with each successive WOT run through 1st gear the car runs slower to the point where after 5 runs the car acts like it has no blower on it at all.......maybe even down to around a 400 hp feel! I have had the car to the garage that does all my work ( did the installation and are very trustworthy) and after changing the O2 sensors and checking the boost (several times) they are at a loss to figure it out. A call to Paxton has not resulted in any help either. Has anyone had a similar experience or able to offer suggestions ?