Naias 2010


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Went to the auto show last night in my penguin suit. Was pretty good, but still fairly sedate to years prior.

Best cars:

Ford Focus
If you feel like investing in a car company, go to an auto show and look at the 2012 Focus. They will sell a monstrous number of these cars globally. The Fusion was Motor Trend car of the year, but in person, the Focus absolutely crushes it. I wasn't crazy about the press pictures, but make no mistake, this car will be a worldwide hit. It's a very, very good looking car in person. A different level than the previous car outside and underneath. If gas prices stay at current levels or rise even minimally, they will have issues producing them fast enough.

Jaguar XJ
That car really is just flat out awesome to me. The last XJ I had was a really nice car, but this new one is an entirely different level. Inside and out, after looking at a car like an S65 with a sticker price over twice as much, it's hard to look at a $100k supercharged XJL and not think this is the ride to have. It has big presence in person and the best interior Jag has had in a looooong time. In a sea of very German large sedans, this is a different breed.

Audi in general
Not that they really had anything new, but the interiors on the Audis were really looking good. The A8 in particular had a really well executed interior that seemed lux, sporty, and not so dull as it's German brethren. There's no question Mercedes makes a nice car, but looking at the interiors of the Audis and the Mercs next to each other, the Audis looked very fresh. It was also the most cohesive lineup at the show in my opinion. The R8 V10 and the convertible looked nice next to each other, though I'm not sure why they picked metallic poop brown for the show.


Lexus LFA
I asked two people what they thought the car cost. One answered $55k and the other $135k. That just about says it all. :lol I can appreciate the killer tech, especially the wondrous engine, but if ever a car were priced wildly different than it's exterior indicates, this is it. I'm sure if they let me loose in one, I'd never want to get out, but I like great looking cars and this does not qualify. Realistically, you're paying over $400k for one of these LFAs. of these cars?





I guess it's not bad looking but it's just eye-watering expensive for what it looks like on the outside.

Mercedes SLS
I know we've discussed this car on the site and it's been popular, but I just don't see it. The interior did look pretty bitchin, and with the doors up I thought it looked pretty cool (and actually quite a good modern representation of the original 300SL, which was surprising to me), but it really just didn't do anything for me. The back end in particular seemed out of place on the car and a little bland. I could definitely see it being an awesome grand tourer or weekend getaway car, but I think once the SL gets the schnoz redone in the SLS style, they will look pretty similar.

Other than that, I thought all the hybrid/electric stuff was pretty much a non-event and nobody really cared about it. I went downstairs to the green car experience where they had all the electric cars and hybrids doing laps to show off, and it was basically empty. People just really don't care that much about buying expensive transportation that will likely never pay itself off in the form of fuel savings or save the environment when someone finally asks "Hey, where do we throw out all these 500 lb toxic battery packs?" Good luck with all that.

I missed the event last year, and I heard it was a different story then, but I can't help but roll my eyes at the GM area. The lineup looked quite good, especially the new Buick Regal GS and the Cadillac XTS (which my wife's "BFF's" husband designed), but I just get annoyed at the ingrained corporate arrogance of that company. You can see it, hear it, and feel it when you're around a big corporate to-do they have. It's like "We're back and we're number 1 and we're so awesome and the fact we've been on life support with $80 billion dollars is so not a big deal." It feels like they've learned nothing by the way they talk and act. And I swear I'm not making this up, but at the Charity Preview, every year, the closer you get to the GM stand, the more people there are wasted on $6 champagne. I saw Whitacre a few times with only one other person, which was ironic, given that I can only imagine the 20 deep crush of people Mulally must have had at the show.

My final impression leaving the floor is that the auto industry is just an absolutely brutal business to be in. There's an awful lot of good stuff to choose from for the everyday buyer, and when minutiae separates the product, going from first to worst doesn't take much.

Saw illustrious forum member Cobrar at the after party at the Westin, which was nice. I was staring at him as he walked towards me and I think the tuxedo threw him off. :lol Talked to Bill Ford for a sec, who definitely looks considerably less tired/frazzled than he did about 4 years ago. Spent some time with Mulally, who was predictably absolutely shot out of a cannon. We'd spoke on the phone before but that was the first time I'd met him in person and man does that man have some energy. He said he was on the 4AM-11PM schedule still, and he was loving it. At 63, with no signs of slowing down, he must have an extra gear in there. We'll continue our discussion at a later date so I can do some convincing that FMC needs to get back into the supercar business. :biggrin


GT Owner
Mar 1, 2007
Nice synopsis, Dave - Thanks for the insights.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jul 18, 2006
Largo, Florida
Thanks Dave. Any news on the street Boss?

Indy GT

Yea, I got one...too
Mark IV Lifetime
Jan 14, 2006
Greenwood, IN
Very nice DBK,

I was thinking about traveling up but the trip was overcome by other events. Thanks for filling us all in on your impressions!

I did attend the after Christmas auto show here in Indy. Although not nearly the same scale as the Naias I was very impressed with the Ford pavilion and workers. There was a significant audience presence looking at all the Ford offerings especially the Tarus SHO. Not so much at the GM products, actually quite dead when I attended. Hun.....


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Thanks Dave. Any news on the street Boss?

They didn't say anything but I'm sure it will be an MY12 car. Since Detroit is the intro of the 5.0L, I don't think they'll be saying anything about that for a while. If it exists. :lol


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jun 28, 2006
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Dave-- thank you for the update. The Charity Preview is the one Auto show event I truly miss. In the many years I attended, I never made it out of the Ford Exhibit because of all the Ford friends and co-workers that we would spend time with and talk was one of the few times we could all relax from the 14 hour days, step back and look at ALL of the Ford Products and and say ... "my name is on millions of those vehicles and I am proud to be Ford".


Mark II Lifetime
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Feb 20, 2006
Washington Michigan
David Nothing on the Raptor 6.2?


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
Honestly, you could see at all displays most trucks were hidden in deep pockets. Seemed like nobody wanted to admit trucks still do huge volume at big profits. The only truck heavily visible in the Ford section was an F-250 and the Raptor I saw hiding was behind the dealer party area which was a deafening schmoozefest I didn't want to wander through. Not sure which engine it had.


GT Owner
Mark II Lifetime
Jun 24, 2006
Metro Detroit
Went to the auto show last night in my penguin suit. Was pretty good, but still fairly sedate to years prior.

Saw illustrious forum member Cobrar at the after party at the Westin, which was nice. I was staring at him as he walked towards me and I think the tuxedo threw him off. :lol Talked to Bill Ford for a sec, who definitely looks considerably less tired/frazzled than he did about 4 years ago. Spent some time with Mulally, who was predictably absolutely shot out of a cannon. We'd spoke on the phone before but that was the first time I'd met him in person and man does that man have some energy. He said he was on the 4AM-11PM schedule still, and he was loving it. At 63, with no signs of slowing down, he must have an extra gear in there. We'll continue our discussion at a later date so I can do some convincing that FMC needs to get back into the supercar business. :biggrin

Great to see you there as well. And no, it wasn't your attire, it was a lack of hat. To be candid, I actually noticed your lovely wife right away and wondered who that young executive was that she invited as her date... :thumbsup

Saw Camilo looking resplendant in his tux. I am going out on a limb and forecasting a return to Ford to help them translate a consistent design DNA to the car platforms. If that turns out to a 'low cost' GT, I'll hunt him down and ........ :biggrin

The Westin after glow party -- a charity event -- was really one the best Ford parties I've attended of recent. As you mentioned, many of the key Ford execs were in attendance, available and open for discussion - real class! They have had a great year, with real reason to celebrate. They've earned some serious R&R and was really delighted that they decided to open up and share the evening with us regular folks.

Of note, I shocked when I thought Mulally had the audacity to bring a very attractive girlfriend to the party, notwithstanding his wife Nicky being in attendance. Turns out, it was their daughter, a vivacious gal, with a dynamite smile and sense of humor. 'And would you like to meet dad...???' No pressure there.... :lol
Last edited:


Staff member
Le Mans 2010 Supporter
Jul 30, 2005
Metro Detroit
David Nothing on the Raptor 6.2?

Should be in dealers sometime in March.

The Westin after glow party -- a charity event -- was really one the best Ford parties I've attended of recent. As you mentioned, many of the key Ford execs were in attendance, available and open for discussion - real class! They have had a great year, with real reason to celebrate. They've earned some serious R&R and was really delighted that they decided to open up and share the evening with us regular folks.

It was pretty good. I did see a guy pick up a whole block of cheese with his bare hand at a cheese station and put it back down though. I should have warned you :lol You could tell Bill and Elena Ford were looking much happier these days. A few hundred million more in net worth will certainly relax you!